WXYZ: TV programming producer.
A political science/Spanish major at DePauw University, Nancy Lenzen planned to work in the State Department upon graduation. As is often the case, “Life is what happens while we are planning something else,” and while still in school she met and fell in love with Duke Lenzen.
Fast forward through 20 years of homemaking and child-rearing and you get to the part where she applies for a part time job with a local television station. She was hired as a secretary for Lou Gordon of the Lou Gordon Show, a morning talk show in the Detroit area. This was in February. She said to herself: “I’ll just do this until June.”

Star-Banner, Ocala, Flordia – August 2, 2000 – Nancy Lenzen
- Kelly & Company – WXYZ’s Premier Morning Show
WXYZ: Morning Show hosted by John Kelly and Marilyn Turner.
Hollywood gossip, fashion shows, beauty secrets, cooking segments. Ran from 1978 through 1995 in the 9 am time slot, Monday through Friday.
Originally aired on Tuesday morning, October 21, 2008. WXYZ is an ABC affiliate in Detroit Michigan.
As part of the 60th anniversary of WXYZ in 2008, the station aired a special celebrating the local talk show “Kelly & Company.” It was the last of its kind in local Detroit television and it was aired during its traditional 10 AM time slot. Hosted by John Kelly and Marilyn Turner.[1]
Just some of the “behind the scenes” folks that made this show so successful
Karl Garmager, Technical Director; Mason Weaver, Director; Pat Underwood, Assistant Director; Larry Goldsby, Video Tape; Clyde Adler, Chyron; Steve Thomas, Features Editor; Brad Hurtado, Producer; Keith Booth, Videographer
If you have information regarding this photo such as location and photographer, please drop us note below or use our Contact Page.There is always room for a great laugh on the Kelly & Company set with John Kelly and Marilyn Turner Lori Weiss References:
- Behind The Scene of WXYZ’s Kelly and Company
WXYZ: This newspaper article gives a glimpse of what it was like to be behind the scenes of Kelly & Company.
John Kelly, Marilyn Turner, Nancy Lenzen, Dianne Atkinson Hudson, Randy Barone, Howard Makkonen, Calvin Houts, Lisa Klein, Chuck Derry, Mason Weaver
Eddie DorfmanReferences:
- Canton Observer – August 23, 1979 (PDF)
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