WXYZ: TV Production. Chuck worked for over 30 years at the station including the summer of 1963 as an engineer then from 1968 through 1998 as a Stage Manager and Director. Chuck taught many young broadcasters and media students at Madonna University until his retirement in 2016. His students now work in Hollywood, NFL and other aspects of the industry.

“We had some fantastic times at WXIE. So many memories and so many wonderful people. I still remember peddling my bicycle up to the Wigilew(sp) and radio studios on Jefferson Avenue in an old mansion. Fred Wolf invited me in (after watching for about a half hour or so) to be with him inside the booth as he did the morning drive. He let me tell a joke on the air every morning that whole summer and gave me a tour of the radio studio to see where they did “The Lone Ranger,” “Green Hornet,” and “Sargent Preston of the Yukon” before I had to go back to school. I had just finished the 5th grade. That was more than 70 years ago. Little did I know that some of the people I met then would be my colleagues later at the station as they came over from radio to the TV station. WXYZ was always the place I wanted to work and I got my dream. Wonderful!” – Chuck Derry, Facebook, October 16, 2023
- Facebook.com
- Broadcast and Cinema Arts at Madonna University
- Kelly and Company – Anniversary Show
The last show, 1994, which was hosted by John Kelly and Marilyn Turner. The show continued for another year hosted by Marilyn and Nikki Grandberry. The final show was in June 1995.
Kelly & Company – Anniversary Show Back Row: Tom MacKinnon, Dennis Fairchild, Sally Victor, Cheryl Hall, Jeffrey Bruce, Don Ritter, Jim Ochs, Ralph Cash, Dan Weaver, Danny Jacobson
Second from Back: Maria Ang, Shirley Eder, Lynda Hirsch, Connie Farell, Gene Taylor, Harriet Rotter, Tara Wall, Phyllis Seel, Brad Hurtado, Randy Barone, Chuck Derry
Second from Front: ????? (cowboy hat), ?????, Robert L. Woodruff, Sylvia Hacker, Mary Pelloni, Lori Weiss, Ellen Kennedy
Front Row: ?????, Florine Mark, Mel Shaw, Bunny Miller-Shaw, John Kelly, Marilyn Turner, Gail Parker, Linda Solomon, Dell WarnerPlease help us identify some of these folks. We welcome your comments at the bottom of this page.
- Kelly and Company Daily Planning Meeting
Directors, producers and hosts at the daily planning meeting. John Kelly, Chuck Derry, Mason Weaver, Carnel Sessoms Jones, ?????, Marilyn Turner, ????? - Behind The Scene of WXYZ’s Kelly and Company
WXYZ: This newspaper article gives a glimpse of what it was like to be behind the scenes of Kelly & Company.
John Kelly, Marilyn Turner, Nancy Lenzen, Dianne Atkinson Hudson, Randy Barone, Howard Makkonen, Calvin Houts, Lisa Klein, Chuck Derry, Mason Weaver
Eddie DorfmanReferences:
- Canton Observer – August 23, 1979 (PDF)
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