Author: Terry Pochert
Rideout, Aletha
WXYZ: Promotions Producer. WNEM: WJBK: References: Facebook LinkedIn
Riddell, Reid
WXYZ: TV news ENG videographer. Recent sightings: Riddell Television Productions;
Turnbough, Dorcene
WXYZ: Secretary to Nancy Gallagher in Personnel and then moved to Programming to work with Bob Woodruff. Sadly, she passed away in Fall, 1999.
Rhoades, Jimmy
WXYZ: Detroit bureau host of Scripps Howard’s The List. Deal of the Day, Healthy Living, It’s Michigan Made. WRCJ: References: Twitter The List Facebook LinkedIn Personal Website
Wait, Tom J. – TJ
WXYZ: TV News Reporter. 2008-2013. KCAL: References: Facebppl/cp, Twitter – KCAL LinkedIn
Reynolds, Joey
WXYZ: Radio disc jockey for a short time starting on April 19, 1966 through ????? WFIL: WIBG: WIXY: Radio Disk Jockey WDRC: KRTH: KMPC: KQV: WOR: WNBC: WKBW: WKWK: WWOL: References: Wikepedia Trax and Grooves, July 2017 – Joey Reynolds
Reicheld, Lee Alan
Radio program director. Lee was assistant sound producer ABC Television in Detroit for Lunch with Soupy, The daily Soupy Sales television show in Detroit. See also: Lee Alan Research: Lee Alan Creative
Bradley, Chris
Died 2018. WBNS: Weather. WXYZ: Weather. From 1994-1998. November 28, 2017 – We have just been informed that Chris has been diagnosed with leukemia. It is currently not in remission. Our staff and fellow co-workers pray for comfort during the doming days. From WBNS – February 4, 2014 References: Facebook Recent Sightings: WBNS Columbus, Ohio
Walsh, Katherine M. – ‘Kathy’
WXYZ: TV news reporter. KCNC: Social Media: Sightings: KCNC-TV, Denver, Colorado (bio)
Walters, Fred
WXYZ: AM News Director. WIP: KYW: Quoted from Broadcast Pioneers, “In 1978, he was transferred to the company’s allnews station in New York City, WINS. In 1980, he became National Political Correspondent for Westinghouse, but left the company in September of that year to become news director of the ABCowned radio station in Detroit, WXYZ (now WHYT).…
Walton, Marsha
WXYZ: TV news writer/producer. Recent sightings: American Association for the Advancement of Science Social Networks: Facebook LinkedIn
Poole, Ed
WXYZ: Radio Sales References: LinkedIn Recent Sightings: OHS Health & Safety Services, Inc.
Podrasky, Karen L.
WXYZ: News Operations Coordinator, previously Community relations coordinator. Social Media LinkedIn
Shaw, Mark William
CNN: / ESPN: / USA Today – A former criminal defense attorney and legal analyst for CNN, ESPN, and USA Today for the Mike Tyson, O.J. Simpson and Kobe Bryant cases, Mark Shaw is the bestselling author of 20+ books including “The Reporter Who Knew Too Much: The Mysterious Death of What’s My Line TV…
Pierrot, George
WXYZ: Host of World Adventure Series, originating first on WXYZ. References: Detroit Memories (PDF) – Chuck Snead talks about George Pierrot
Wark, Bob
WXYZ: TV news assignment desk (1970-1975). Assignment Mgr. was responsible for selecting the daily News Stories to be covered & Assigning Reporters to cover selected news events. Responsible for maintaining contacts with Political Leaders in City of Detroit plus State Of Michigan and politicians in Washington; ie; Congressional Michigan Reps. References: LinkedIn
Berry, Jerome “Jay”
TV sports reporter and anchor. Declined an offer to try out for the Dallas Cowboys, but fortunatly for Channel Seven, he decided on a career in journalism. Jay played football for the University of Wyoming. References: Google Books YouTubex
Petrovich, Jon
WXYZ: TV news assignment desk. Died Thursday, February 10, 2011 at the age of 64. References
Peters, Joseph M.
WTVT: WXYZ: Videographer. KSAZ: WBBH: Joseph M. Peters, 46, of Tampa, FL went to be with his Lord and Savior on December 27, 2012, after a courageous, year long battle with heart disease. Joe passed at home surrounded by family and friends. He was born on May 1, 1966, in Waukegan, IL to Francis M.…
Broadcasting Yearbook, 1979
James R. Osborn, VP & Gen. Mgr; Jeanne Findlater, Prog Dir; Dave Kenworthy, Promotion Mgr; Lee Gannon, General Sales Mgr; Phil Sweenie, National Sales Mgr; Keith McClellan, Local Sales Mgr; Jon K. Gluck, Director of Research and Development; Phil Nye, News Dir; Wally Roadammer, Chief Engineer.
Wally Rodammer Retirement Video
The employees of WXYZ-TV wish our Chief Engineer, Wally Rodammer, happy retirement. The year was 1992. Help Identify some of the folks. Be sure to put the TIME in the video when do identify some of them. Please leave your comments below or leave us a note using our Contact Page.
Wattrick, Don
WXYZ: Sportscaster. The Detroit Pistons: More Than Four Decades of Motor City Memories by Steve Addy and Jeffrey F. Karzen
Parker, Dee – ‘Auntie’
WXYZ: Hosted the Auntie Dee Show (children’s talent show). References: Wikipedia
McKnight, Doug
WXYZ: TV News. WJRT: References: Facebook In the News Photograph published in National Geographic