WXYZ: TV engineering.
Died: July 8, 2019, in Farmington Hills, Michigan.

- On-site Crew Ready to Work
Harvy Ovshinsky Al Sieger, Chris Stepien, Harvy Ovshinsky, Jerry Zuckerman, Eddie Mongrain - Kelly & Company – Inside Video Footage
We are fortunate to have had a producer, Brad Hurtado, shoot some inside footage of the Kelly & Company staff while preparing the show. Many hard working people behind the scenes made the wonderful Detroit home-grown show possible. We were blessed to work with two wonderful stars of the show – Marilyn Turner and John Kelly.
Mason Weaver, Dan Weaver, John Kelly, Marilyn Turner, Carnell Sessoms-Jones, Pat Underwood, Harry Lenk, Brad Hurtado, Jerry Zuckerman, Tony Tillman, Eddie Mongrain – Video footage contributed by Brad Hurtado. [If you can help identify others, please leave your comment below.]
- Just Friends and Family at WXYZ
There were many times that the crews gathered at the “Farm House”. The Farm House was one of the original buildings on the land which WXYZ-TV now occupies in Southfield, Michigan. The Farm House has now been converted into a dining area and a few meeting rooms on the second story. It once also provide a sleeping area during the early days of the station.
- 1984 Olympics – The Party Is Over, Heading Back Home
Waiting at the airport in Los Angeles heading back to work at WXYZ-TV, Detroit.
Wally Rodammer, Ken Sznyr, Patty Hensley-MacLeod (Waving), Ray Thurber, Karen Nicholson, Jerry Zuckerman, Gary Westbrook, Geoff Pekarek – Photo by Terry Pochert
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