WXYZ: bandleader for WXYZ-TV’s “Club Polka”, died on January 12 at the age of 83. Stosh was discovered in the early 1950s by WXYZ’s head of programming John Pival at the Tip-Top Inn on Detroit’s southwest side. The popular Polka show aired live on Friday nights and was hosted by Warren Michael Kelly. Stosh also made numerous appearances on Soupy Sales’ nighttime show “Soupy’s On!” as well as “Our Friend Harry” with Harry Jarkey.
- Polka Inn
The international air, typical of Detroit, will be emphasized on “Polka Inn,” a new Detroit television show to begin 10:30 P.M. Monday, March 31 [1952], on WXYZ-TV (channel 7). Carrying the theme will be a Bavarian restaurant setting, Alpine costumed Stan Wisniach and his band and the traditional folk dances and costumes of many lands. The half-hour show is sponsored by the Michigan distributors of Motorola and Deepfreeze products.
Gross Point Library The Grosse Point Review – March 27, 1952 References:
- Google Books: Horn Man: The Polish-American Musician in Twentieth-century Detroit By Laurie Palazzolo
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