WXYZ: TV news, Kelly and Company, Good Afternoon Detroit
The Detroit Free Press, “Dell Warner, the often edgy but always caring newswoman, died Wednesday of cancer. She was 84 and lived in Oak Park. An Emmy Award-winning broadcaster and former adviser to Lt. Gov. Martha Griffiths, Ms. Warner’s diverse career included singing on Broadway in 1956 in “Happy Hunting,” which starred Ethel Merman. Known to family and friends as Bubbee, Ms. Warner left the footlights for Detroit, where she became public information officer for a 600-patient methadone maintenance clinic in Detroit. Her work as an advocate led to a job hosting “Woman to Woman” on WXYZ-TV (Channel 7). ….”
Always ready to do interviews ans speeches, the University of Michigan Health System’s newsletters announced an interview she did on August 11, 2016, “The noon newscast on WDIV-TV Channel 4 Detroit will feature a report on an upcoming charity event that will help support research on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease, by Eva Feldman, M.D., Ph.D., Neurology and her team. Reporter Dell Warner interviewed Dr. Feldman recently at her lab, and also visited Florine Mark, the founder of Weight Watchers, who lost her husband to ALS. Ms. Mark’s daughter is helping organize the Sept. 16 charity event, which will be hosted by developer and U-M donor A. Alfred Taubman.”

Source: University of Michigan Health Care System
Always civic minded and a supporter of diversity, she co-chaired “Aid for AIDS Research”.

- Kelly and Company – Anniversary Show
The last show, 1994, which was hosted by John Kelly and Marilyn Turner. The show continued for another year hosted by Marilyn and Nikki Grandberry. The final show was in June 1995.
Kelly & Company – Anniversary Show Back Row: Tom MacKinnon, Dennis Fairchild, Sally Victor, Cheryl Hall, Jeffrey Bruce, Don Ritter, Jim Ochs, Ralph Cash, Dan Weaver, Danny Jacobson
Second from Back: Maria Ang, Shirley Eder, Lynda Hirsch, Connie Farell, Gene Taylor, Harriet Rotter, Tara Wall, Phyllis Seel, Brad Hurtado, Randy Barone, Chuck Derry
Second from Front: ????? (cowboy hat), ?????, Robert L. Woodruff, Sylvia Hacker, Mary Pelloni, Lori Weiss, Ellen Kennedy
Front Row: ?????, Florine Mark, Mel Shaw, Bunny Miller-Shaw, John Kelly, Marilyn Turner, Gail Parker, Linda Solomon, Dell WarnerPlease help us identify some of these folks. We welcome your comments at the bottom of this page.
- Kelly and Company Field Production
Photo Courtesy of Linda Solomon Kelly & Company Field Production – Del Warner,?????,Scott Wolan - A Tribute To My Friend, Dell Warner by Barbara Kenig
Unique, robust, outgoing, energetic, inspiring, a bit sad, simply beautiful (from the inside out)…these are just a few adjectives to describe a remarkable woman I am so privileged to call my friend…Ms. Dell Warner.
I met Dell while I was volunteering giving free manicures at the Teitel JewishApartments in Oak Park, an assisted living high-rise facility to the senior citizens. Dell (very enthusiastically I might add) came over to the table I was working at and struck up a conversation. I immediately recognized this woman as the producer for WDIV Channel 4 “Coming ofAge” program. She was a celebrity who was coming over to talk to me! I truly felt honored. I advised Dell I recognized her and she was very modest and wanted no credit for her accomplishments as a wonderful producer. Dell wanted to talk to me about my life and why I did volunteer work and did not want to talk about herself. We spoke for hours that day and ever since…we have become friends.
This article is being written as a follow-up to an article I wrote several years ago that I was fortunate enough to have published by the Jewish News. The article was about cherishing your loved ones and telling them how much they mean to you before it’s too late. I could not think of a more special person (whom I have not told yet in so many words but I have told) how much I appreciate her and admire her and love her. Dell has taught me so much, I cannot begin to describe it in this short article. This amazing lady goes out of her way to make a difference. She expects no credit for same. Dell has fourth stage cancer. She is 84 years young. She does not dwell on the cancer but, instead, purposely pushes herself to make a difference and gives all she can. For example, recently, Dell embarked on a huge project. She put on THE most incredible art show at the Teitel JewishApartments. Dell initiated this gigantic feat by herself and at times, despite the exceptionally frustrating and troubling things that arose along the way, Dell never gave up. She started this art exhibit and she was going to finish same no matter what crossed her path.
Dell finished this art exhibit and it was truly incredible. The residents of the Teitel JewishApartments (and outsiders) had never seen such a display. They loved it! Again, Dell never gave up. This is the woman I admire. Dell never got any real credit for this enormous project but a little article written by a local paper. She never asked for anything as well.
On Christmas day, I was fortunate enough to visit the residents of the Teitel JewishApartments where I gave the fr ee manicures to the senior citizens. Dell sat next to me, right by my side, and we commiserated that morning/afternoon. We talked about many things yet I sensed Dell was in pain due to her cancer. She never once complained. Instead, she tormented me (lovingly, of course) about the style of my hair (or lack of!), the color of my lipstick (or lack of!) and a few other unmentionables. She then told me what a wonderful person I was and how proud my parents must be. The truth is, Dell Warner is the special person; one who people look up to, admire and use as a role model. Dell doesn’t realize this, but maybe after reading this article, she will. There is one person out there who thinks SHE is an amazing woman; a beautiful person (inside and out) who says it like it is, means it, and most importantly, truly makes a difference. This woman shines such a bright light in an otherwise sometimes dull atmosphere. She lights up a room just by walking in it. Her personality (while at times a bit overwhelming!)20is one-of-a-kind.
I am so lucky to call Dell Warner my friend and I can only hope she knows how much she means to me. To follow my own advice, I let Dell know how much she means to me and how special she is. She doesn’t need this article to reinforce same but I can guarantee as Ms. Warner read this, through the tears, she will know. I love you Dell.
Posted on Saturday, February 07, 2009 – 2:29 pm:
Half of my life ago, I met Dell at WXYZ TV. I was an intern and she took me under her wing like she did so many other newbies… never have I known anyone with so much energy, creativity and and zest for life. She taught me about television, friendship and life… she taught me “how to dress” and she helped me get my first jobs in television, radio and PR. Dell left her mark on everyone she met… she was that kind of person. She fought for what she believed in, making long lasting relationships (and enemies) along the way. The enemies didn’t understand… they could have learned from her.
I can’t believe it’s been nearly 30 years… and I remember her like it was yesterday. Rest in peace Dell. You gave so much to so
many.Barbara Kenig
Media Relations Direct
In The Public Eye
Las Vegas, NV USA - GAD – Good Afternoon Detroit Anniversary Show 1984
Help us name the people we are missing from the caption.
Back Row: Dex Sieger, Chris Stepien, Pete, Jim Ochs, ?????, Junie Bond, Tom Cleeves, Randy Silverman, Harriet Rotter, Jillayne Pautsch, Gene Taylor, ?????, Synka Curtis, John Kelly, Glenn Pearson, Gail Parker, Shirley Eder, Geoff Brock, Doug Kole, Bob Dear, Sioux DeOrlow Goodman, Tom McKinnon, Yanni
Middle Row: Cathy Alfafara, Jackie (Astrologer), Angela Addison, Nate Penn, ?????, Laurie Leinonen, Cheryl Ross, Suzanne Timma, Don Carter, Claire Carmichael, Marilyn Turner, Barbara Koster, Keith Booth, Kathy Linwood, Lisa Fisco, Colleen Burcar, Debbie Avery Canter, Lynda Hirsch, ?????, TJ Elliot
Front Row: Dayna Eubanks, Jim Johnson, Al Sieger, Sid Day, Tony Tillman, Dave Riley, Vic Hill, Del Warner
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