WXYZ: TV news anchor and reporter, 1994-1998 and 2000-2007. Now with WNEM-TV5.
Frank Turner’s Podcasting – Cave Radio Broadcasting (Facebook Page)
- WNEM-TV, Flint-Saginaw, Michigan
- frankturner.org

Frank Turner at WNEM-TV, Fling-Saginaw, Michigan

Frank Turner, Author

Neal Rubin: The long-timers at at Harper House know him, but some of the newcomers to the drug treatment center don’t, at least not at first.
He shows up on his day off and starts reading the Bible.
Then he gets to talking about it, and the talking begets shouting, and the shouting begets full-scale, howling-and-Hallelujah, love-and-salvation preaching, and then a light bulb goes on over someone’s head and a voice interrupts the sermon:
“Hey, that’s the TV guy!”
That’s Frank Turner, weekend anchor and reporter at WXYZ-TV.

- Great Memory from WXYZ Holiday Past
During Channel Seven’s Prime Years
Bell Ringers in order:
Marilyn Turner, John Kelly, Doris Biscoe, Bill Bonds. Guy Gordon, Diana Lewis, Erik Smith, Rob Kress, Robbie Timmons, Bill Bonds, Mike Holfeld, Dave Lewallen, Frank Turner, Bill Bonds - Bill with the BOG Team
Pete Anderson, Bill Bonds, Earl Wilson, Sylvia Struthers, Frank Turner, Anita Shiplett – Circa January 1995 - Herman McKalpain, Mike Kalush, Frank Turner, Chuck Bowman
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