WXYZ: TV news anchor/reporter.
- Great Memory from WXYZ Holiday Past
During Channel Seven’s Prime Years
Bell Ringers in order:
Marilyn Turner, John Kelly, Doris Biscoe, Bill Bonds. Guy Gordon, Diana Lewis, Erik Smith, Rob Kress, Robbie Timmons, Bill Bonds, Mike Holfeld, Dave Lewallen, Frank Turner, Bill Bonds - Erik Smith Reports on Three Legends of WXYZ Television
WXYZ was a stage that started many careers. Erik Smith in 1991 reports on Soupy Sales, Johnny Ginger and Marv Welch. – circa 1991 prior to a show a Pine Knob, Clarkston. Robbie Timmons did the lead-in to the story.
- One of the WXYZ News Sets from the 1980s
Terry Frisco, Bill Bonds, Robbie Timmons – Photo courtesy of Jim Madaus – Slightly blurry photo but one of the few photos we have of this particular news set. - Robie Timmons, Wanda Doerner and Diane Sawyer
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