Dahl, Ronnie
WXYZ: 1982- Reporter. References: LinkedIn YouTube Channel Twitter Facebook Tweets by ronniedahl
Chiappetta, Jerry
WXYZ: Hosted various editions of Michigan Outdoors. References: Wild Harvest Videos Chiappetta Productions, Inc. Why Don’t Dogs Wear Shoes? Why Don’t Dogs Wear Shoes? is a series of humorous stories “inspired by my grandkids,” says the author, a grandfather of ten. Jerry Chiappetta takes an offbeat look at the Phases of Life —…
Cohen, Steve
WXYZ: TV news Executive Producer. References: Steve wrote several articles about WXYZ on the The 247 Newsroom which is now dark. LiveShot, Journalistic heroism in Philadelphia by Tom Kranz (Google Books) – Amazon.com
Chenault, Blake
WXYZ: News WOIO: Reporter References: Twitter Tweets by BlakeChenault19
Bufalini, Martin – ‘Marty’
WXYZ: AM news. Historian and involvement in the radio version of “The Lone Ranger”. Wrote an original radio play script for the classic movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life”. References: Facebook C and G News – K. Michelle Moran writes in an article title, “Child actress from ‘The Lone Ranger’ to participate in upcoming talk” October…
Brickwedde, Bob – ‘Bob Henry’
Host of Nash Theater Hour (Thursday nights) where he used the state name of Bob Henry. He also hosted western movies featuring Deadeye and Black Bart on Saturdays as “Sheriff Bob”.
Brennan, Meghan
Award-winning digital reporter and producer for 7 Action News and WXYZ.com. Social Media: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter CV Tweets by MeghanBrennan
Striker, Fran
Writer for the The Long Ranger for WXYZ. Born August 19, 1903 and died September 4, 1962. Died in a two-car collision. Fran Striker was inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame in 1988. References: Wikipedia National Radio Hall of Fame Chicago Tribune, February 19, 1986, John Corr – Lone Ranger Author Taking Us On 1…
Trendle, George W.
Owner of WXYZ Radio and Creator/Producer of the Lone Range and Green Hornet. Died May 10, 1972. References: Wikipedia.org
Hollins, Kacie
Sports Anchor/Reporter. Dan Leach, Justin Rose, Kacie Hollins Tweets by kaciehollinsTV References: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn
WXYZ 2013 Reunion – Remembering Happy Times
If you can help identify these folks, please leave your comments below
Bitzer, Deborah
TV sales, 1981 – 1985. Date of Death: March 25, 2014. References: LinkedIn (PDF) Obituary (PDF)
Berman, Mike
Radio, TV Sales Manager. Portion of Mike’s obituary, “…Mike was a long-time professional in the Detroit broadcast industry (radio and television), with experience including positions Sales Manager at WXYZ-TV , WWJ-TV, and WKBD TV; General Sales Manager of WCXI Radio; Station Manager of WXON-TV and Senior VP Midwest Region (Detroit and Chicago) for Premiere Radio…
Berg, Bob
Editor/producer for “From the Heart”, 1997-2002. Former press secretary for Detroit Mayor Coleman A. Young. Recent Sightings: University of Michigan Palindrome Productions, Inc. References: LinkedIn PR Newswire – March 26, 2002 PR Newswire – October 26, 2001
Beiber, Dave
On the staff. We are looking for more information about Dave. If you can help, please use the comment form below.
The Lone Ranger – Rochester-Avon Historical Society
Presentation from November 5, 2015, with Larry Zdeb and Chuck Daugherty
Banovic, Julie
TV news reporter. Research: LinkedIn wxyz.com Twitter
Bahou Zagata, Alexandra
WXYZ: 2012- Web producer/reporter. Social Media: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn A wonderful addition to our 7am newscast on @tv20detroit! Look for the delightful @alexabahou and her tech reports! pic.twitter.com/5vhjbxjx8t — Ann Marie LaFlamme (@AnnMarieLaFlamm) November 2, 2015 Tweets by alexabahou
Avery, Lou
If you have information about Lou, please drop us a note using the Comment section at the bottom of this page.