WXYZ: Staging.
Deceased: August 30, 1947 – October 21, 2023

“Allan Richard Sieger, age 76, passed away on October 21, 2023. He was born in Detroit, Michigan on August 30, 1947 to his late parents Lucille and Dexter Sieger Sr. Allan is survived by his beloved wife of 47 years, Mary Phyllis (Mary Phyl); siblings: Dexter C. (the late Claudia) Sieger Jr., Kathleen M. (Bernard) Nummer, Jan M. (Mark) Topor; siblings-in-law: Mary Beth (the late John) Anderson, James I. (the late Jean) Godfroy Jr, Mary Joan Godfroy, Thomas (Ann) Godfroy, Mary Alice (Michael) Polifka, William (Wendy) Godfroy; 16 loving nieces and nephews; and many great nieces, nephews, and godchildren. Allan was a proud Coast Guard Veteran serving stateside during the Vietnam War. He was a quick witted, fun loving man whom enjoyed telling stories that went on and on and on. Allan enjoyed boating, living on Lake St. Clair, and he also loved the Florida Keys. He worked at Channel 7 for 44 years as a stagehand. He won five local Emmys and the Silver Circle Lifetime Achievement Award. Allan proudly worked on the U of M “Michigan Replay” Coaches show and was well known for his infamous football tailgating parties. He received his Gold Card from IATSE Local 38 after achieving 50 years in the lighting and staging business. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Coast Guard Foundation, the USO (United Service Organizations) or InHouse Hospice.” 1
- Su DeOrlow Goodman and Al Sieger
Su DeOrlow Goodman Al Sieger and Su DeOrlow Goodman at the 1980 Republican Convention at the Joe Lewis Arena in Detroit, Michigahn - Dignity Memorial – Allan Richard Sieger
- Fun While on a WXYZ Remote
Jim Brandstatter and Alan Sieger having a bit of fun trying to share a shrimp - The WXYZ News Water Promo
Who remembers the “famous” WXYZ News Water Promo. Taped in the garage and at a neighboring high school pool with a underwater training window, it was a blast to do. Tom Polk was the master mind.
Cameo appearances in the outtakes include Larry Paulus, Don Ritter and Alan Sieger. Terry Pochert in the scuba gear. - WXYZ Crew After Hard Days Work at Sea World Remote
- On-site Crew Ready to Work
Harvy Ovshinsky Al Sieger, Chris Stepien, Harvy Ovshinsky, Jerry Zuckerman, Eddie Mongrain - Staging at WXYZ is One of the Most Important Assets of the Station
Ed Van Hull, Dennis Cherry, Don Ritter, Sid Day, Geoff Brock, Bob Dear, Cathy Alfafara, Bruce Hamilton (at piano), Alan Sieger, Larry Paulus - GAD – Good Afternoon Detroit Anniversary Show 1984
Help us name the people we are missing from the caption.
Back Row: Dex Sieger, Chris Stepien, Pete, Jim Ochs, ?????, Junie Bond, Tom Cleeves, Randy Silverman, Harriet Rotter, Jillayne Pautsch, Gene Taylor, ?????, Synka Curtis, John Kelly, Glenn Pearson, Gail Parker, Shirley Eder, Geoff Brock, Doug Kole, Bob Dear, Sioux DeOrlow Goodman, Tom McKinnon, Yanni
Middle Row: Cathy Alfafara, Jackie (Astrologer), Angela Addison, Nate Penn, ?????, Laurie Leinonen, Cheryl Ross, Suzanne Timma, Don Carter, Claire Carmichael, Marilyn Turner, Barbara Koster, Keith Booth, Kathy Linwood, Lisa Fisco, Colleen Burcar, Debbie Avery Canter, Lynda Hirsch, ?????, TJ Elliot
Front Row: Dayna Eubanks, Jim Johnson, Al Sieger, Sid Day, Tony Tillman, Dave Riley, Vic Hill, Del Warner
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