Sensitive Material Not To Be Broadcast By AFTN

AFTN Sensitivity Guidlines
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During the Vietnam War, support bases in Thailand were required not to broadcast certain types of information.  In some case, the Thai government did not want US AM-FM-TV signals to radiate farther than the parameter of the bases.  Here’s the text of one such supporting documents that is now declassified.

1 February 1969 [1]

  1. Anything degrading about Thailand
  2. Communist insurgency or infiltration in Thailand.
  3. Communist Radio pronouncements on Thailand.
  4. Man-made disasters involving Thais or American in-country.
  5. Anything concerning the Thai constitution.
  6. Anything about Thailand’s governmental process or form of government.
  7. Student or political demonstrations in Thailand.
  8. Statements by Thai officials or Thai press will be dealt with on an individual basis by AFTN news, Korat.  They are not to be considered cleared.
  9. Anything about the “Thai Government in Exile” in Red China, or its clandestine radio station.
  10. Battle defeats of or any derogatory statements about Thai troops in South Vietnam.
  11. U.S. Air Force or U.S. Army tactical operations within the border of Thailand.
  12. U.S. troop strength of individual units or tactical movements. (Exception: total U.S. troop strength in Thailand)
  13. Number of aircraft, weapons, or weapons systems of U.S. forces in Thailand.
  14. Any type of accident or incident involving anyone connected with the U.S. Diplomatic Mission to Thailand, Dependents of Mission Personnel, or anyone, regardless of nationality, on an air base or military post.
  15. Any action by members of the U.S. military that would discredit our presence in Thailand.
    Downgraded at 3 year intervals
    Declassified after 12 yearsAttachment #1
  16. Any action/activity of American citizen “anti-war activists” in-country.
  17. Anything concerning the Peace Corps in Thailand.
  18. Any activities of Air America.
  19. Anything disrespectful of the Thai monarchy.


  1. U.S. Armed Forces operations in Laos.
  2. Any U.S. troop strength in Laos.
  3. Assistance to Laos from any American agency…including “Air America”.


  1. Tactical deployment of troops and troop strength of individual units. (Exception: total U.S. troop strength)
  2. Stories of Communist claims concerning fighting in South Vietnam will be used only when the source is clearly identified. i.e., Radio Hanoi, Laos, etc.


  1. Any material other than that obviously cleared and released by 7th Air Force and HACV.


No particular restrictions other than the exercise of good judgement based on guidance in this paper.


Any statements other than those made by the U.S. delegation in Paris or by appropriate higher authorities in Washington.


  1. Any statement by an American, official or not, derogatory to Thailand.
  2. Any comment by an American disrespectful of the Thai monarchy.



  1. Sensitive Materials Document (PDF); Attachment (PDF)


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