WXYZ: The “Doc” is now official. MAB Hall of Fame induction means I join my nominator Jerry Hodak, Chuck Stokes, Diana Lewis, and Eric Smith among others. Wouldn’t be here without great support from CH7 family. Thanks to you all! – Bill Proctor, Facebook, August 7, 2019

Retired from WXYZ-TV. Bill Proctor and Associates, LLC. As a former Investigative Reporter and Anchor at WXYZ-TV, I know that he understands the nuts and bolts of the Criminal Justice System. Everyone is aware of his passion for justice and your role with www.seekingjusticebp.com and www.innocenceproject.org.
It is hard to understand why someone innocent would confess to a crime, however, it happens a lot. Bill Proctor is here to tell you why and how to prevent it from happening to you.

- The Detroit Free Press, March 18, 2024, Bill Proctor – In our broken criminal justice system, Donald Trump is not the victim | Opinion – If we faced criminal charges, we know it would not help our defense if we insulted or threatened that very same criminal justice system. Yet Trump says he is the victim of a witch hunt. (PDF)
- WXYZ.com, August 7, 2019 – Bill Proctor inducted into the Michigan Association of Broadcasters ‘Hall of Fame’ (PDF)
- seekingjusticebp.com
- Bill Proctor and Associates
- innocenceproject.org
- The Dave LewAllen Podcast – Episode 24 – Bill Proctor, on the injustice of wrongful convictions
x.com Dave LewAllen and Bill Proctor Bill Proctor is best known for his many years as a news and investigative reporter for WXYZ-TV in Detroit. Since leaving the station in 2013, Bill has been fighting the injustice of wrongful convictions. He is the founder of Proving Innocence and his efforts, and those he works with, have led to exonerations for a number of individuals after spending years behind bars for crimes they did not commit. Join us for the conversation to learn how some innocent people wind up in prison and the changes, that he says, need to be made in the criminal justice system.
- Bill Proctor: Michigan Journalism’s Hall of Fame
Bob Giles writes, “So great tonight [October 9, 2021] to honor Bill Proctor’s 2020 induction into the Michigan Journalism’s Hall of Fame. He was inducted last year, without a formal dinner event. That changed tonight where he was honored along with the 2021 class of inductees. His dinner guest was an example of the success of his Seeking Justice organization.”
- Bill Proctor and Terry Pochert
Photo from Terry Pochert's Retirement Collection Bill Proctor and Terry Pochert – Pochert’s retirement party, October 1997. - Wanda Doerner and Bill Proctor
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