WXYZ: TV news director. Died March 20, 2014.
Other employment: WSAZ-TV in West Virginia, WNXT Radio, WKNR Radio, WXYZ (1972 & 1976), WABC, Burnham Broadcasting. Previously known as Howard Phillips.
Phil Nye passed on March 20, 2014 http://t.co/paI33tMI0z @WXYZAlumniStaff @MediaAlumni #WXYZ
— NewsQuill (@Newsquill) March 21, 2014

Phil Nye – Terry Pochert Collection – Photo by ?????

Phil Nye at a Beatles Press Conference from

- Obituary (McCable Funeral Home)
- Just Some of the Great News Team
Bob Giles Phil Nye, Bill Bonds and Bob Giles - Phil Nye Celebration
Doris Bailey Doris Bisco, ?????, Jim Herrington, Jim Osborn, Jeff Floyd, Bill Bonds, ?????, Al Ackerman, Marilyn Turner, John Kelly, Phil Nye - Broadcasting Yearbook, 1979
Broadcasting Yearbook 1979, Page B-106 James R. Osborn, VP & Gen. Mgr; Jeanne Findlater, Prog Dir; Dave Kenworthy, Promotion Mgr; Lee Gannon, General Sales Mgr; Phil Sweenie, National Sales Mgr; Keith McClellan, Local Sales Mgr; Jon K. Gluck, Director of Research and Development; Phil Nye, News Dir; Wally Roadammer, Chief Engineer.
- WKNR – The Station That Knows Detroit
John Maher, Mike O’Neill (News Director), Dick Butler, Philip Nye (Assistant News Director), Pat Kelly, Erik Smith, Doug Fernlock – Image from Erik Smith
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