WXYZ: TV news secretary. Husband: Gerard

- WXYZ Women In Black
Fans of the Soap Opera “All My Children”. Circa 1993.
Photo Courtesy of Corinne Aguilar [Back Row] Melissa Kuful, Carol Hern, Shelby Sanders-Coleman, Rita Joyner, Rosemarie Russell, Donella Crawford, Karen Odell or Julie Roberts (need help with identification), Corinne Aguilar
[Second Row] Gayle A. Moore-Derengowski, Michelle Kramer, Annette Wallace-McClendon, Karen Simpson, Barbara Shively, Janet Shaffer, TJ Elliot
[Kneeling] Dani Jacobson, Gail Pebbles, Suzanne Farris, Jan Qualtiere, Jackie Fitzloff, Beverly CarrThanks to everyone who helped identify these folks – Terry Pochert
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