WXYZ: TV engineering, ENG videographer.
Recent Sightings:

- Top Notch WXYZ Crew Doing Story in 1994 of the 50th Anniversary of D-Day
Lynne Pedlar This is a shot on the beach of western Michigan that was taken when we (WXYZ) were doing a story in 1994 of the 50th anniversary of D-Day. We interviewed this French woman who had been on the beach in Normandy that day.
Dave Meinhard, Val Clark, ?????,
Lynne Pedlar, ?????, Gordon Graham - Clinton River Rescue
Fortunately, Dave Meinhard, photographer, and Heather Catallo, Reporter, were on the scene to help with the rescue.
- WXYZ Crew Interviews Barbara Bush
Facebook – Dave Meinhard Jerry Tarrien, Mary Conway, Barbara Bush, Dave Meinhard – circa 1992 “Mary Conway, Jerry Tarrien and I got to meet First Lady Barbara Bush in September, 1992. What a kind & gracious person. This photo showed up unexpectedly a short time after we met her at Schoolcraft College (I believe- could have been OCC). May she Rest In Peace.” – Dave Meinhard
- Always a Happy Family at WXYZ after glows
Curt Briggs, Rich Fisher, Corinne Aguilar, Jerry Tarrien, Dave Meinhard – Photo courtesy of Corinne Aguilar - Videographers at the 2013 WXYZ Reunion by Chris Ruzzin
Dave Meinhard, Sue McGill, Earl Wilson, John Gildersleeve, Mike Kalush, Chuck Bowman, Ron Little, John Gross – Photo courtesy of Chris Ruzzin
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