Looking Behind TV Cameras

Amazing Time in Television, February 6, 1976

Lloyd Simmons, The Building Tradesman, February 6, 1976, Page 58 - WXYZ
Brendon Ross

“Did you ever stop and think who is responsible for putting the picture on your television set? At WXYZ TV-7, for example, they’re members of Local 58 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. The entire engineering department there, including technical directors and supervisors, are 58 members. In above photo, Lloyd Simmons, a television engineer, operates a video master control panel. Below, popular newscaster John Kelly is in front of the camera as Sioux Dekker [Sioux DeOrlow Goodman] operates behind the scenes.” [The Building Tradesman, February 6, 1976, Page 58] Contributed by Sue Simmons

Sioux Dekker, Sue Deorlo, John Kelly - The Building Tradesman, February 6, 1976, Page 58 - WXYZ


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