WXYZ: TV News Anchor.
Actress with performances opposite Sylvester Stallone in the box office favorites, Rocky and Rocky 5. She also appeared on TV shows including The Twilight Zone, Hunter, The Gary Shandling Show, Murder She Wrote, The Million Dollar Caper, and All My Children.

- Great Memory from WXYZ Holiday Past
During Channel Seven’s Prime Years
Bell Ringers in order:
Marilyn Turner, John Kelly, Doris Biscoe, Bill Bonds. Guy Gordon, Diana Lewis, Erik Smith, Rob Kress, Robbie Timmons, Bill Bonds, Mike Holfeld, Dave Lewallen, Frank Turner, Bill Bonds - Diana Lewis Retirement
Leslie J. Griff ?????, ?????, Diana Lewis, Bill Bonds, Jerry Hodak References:
- The Detroit Free Press, Rochelle Riley, July 26, 2012 – Local News to Lose Class Act (PDF)
- The Cracker-Jack News Team
- Lynn Pedlar with WXYZ Legends
- Another Great WXYZ Team
- Jerry Rimmer and Diana Lewis
- WXYZ Promo – Tell ’em you are from Detroit
Bill Bonds, Doris Biscoe-Bailey, Rob Kress, Diana Lewis, Steve Gargiola, John Kelly, Marilyn Turner, Jay Berry, Jerry Hodak, Rich Fisher, Dayna Eubanks
Check out how the music track played in other cities:
- Diana Lewis and Herman McKalpain – Christmas
Diana Lewis and Herman McKalpain [Facebook] – Photo credit ?????
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