WXYZ: Deceased. TV engineering.

- Bob Malik and Greg Karrer
Top notch maintenance crew at WXYZ-TV.
Bob Malik and Greg Karrer - WXYZ Newsroom circa 1980s
WXYZ: An amazing group of people making WXYZ News number one in the market during the 1980s.
Nelson Burg, Fran Victor, Marv Rockford, Audio: Greg Karrer, Val Clark, Cheryl Chodun, Bill Miller, Jeff Rundell, Bill Becker, Garrett Glaser, Terry Frisco, Mark Zahnow, Denny Shleifer, Andrea Parquet-Taylor, Garry Kelly, Dean Erskin, Al Volker, Jim Powers, Pat Elnicky, Phyllis Eliasberg, John Gross, Charles Munro, Judy Miller, Tom Cleeves
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