Hats and Caps by Art Fettig

Caps:  I was dining alone at a local burger haven and as I sat watching the cars go by a little man came in and sat at the next table. He wore one of those veteran’s caps with a row of ribbons and a combat rifleman’s badge and the cap said “World War II”. The man inside the cap looked to be just about four foot nine inches tall to me. Really a small man and he just didn’t look old enough or tall enough to have been in World War II. I smiled and said “Hey” to him and asked him how old he was.  He smiled back and I swear there was a youthful twinkle in his eye as he said he was 93. His first name was Bryan and he explained to me that he was just five foot tall when he went in the Army in 1944. He smiled and said, “I’ve been shrinking.”  Nice guy. We swapped stories for over an hour.  We traded some old jokes and had a fine ole time.  Sadly, most of the WW ll  Vets I’ve known are gone now.  Happily, this guy being about five years older than I am and talking sharp as a tack and full of life and all really gave me a boost.  I will be just 88 in a few days and this guy is 93.  He’s still driving his pick-up and taking care of himself and he was in pretty good spirits, God bless him.  And may God bless America too and bring us world peace.


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