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Hi, Tricky,
Like you, I’ve got the PC blues, and I don’t mean Political Correctness (now).
I’ve got a date with a robot a week from tomorrow (Sept 6) and it’s taken a while to realize that’s not the best thing, or way at least, to share health issues with friends (heck, in my 70s, seems that’s all, or at least the main things folks talk about).
Got a positive biopsy result in May and, after searching a bit, found Dr. James Peabody, at HFHS Vatacutti Institute, to do the robotic prostatectomy.
I realized you were a pioneering patient and journalist w/same procedure at HF a long while ago, Which I discovered when I thought of contacting you about prostate cancer awareness. Thought you’d have some pull w/Fisher Bldg folks to correct a local deficiency: Mich is one of only four states without a prominent building shaded in blue for PC awareness month in September. If you’re able to effect that situation, it would be great.
Keep up the good work, Dick.
Bob Roach, 248-622-0353
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