WXYZ: Vice President and General Station Manager. (1979-1987)
WKBD: Producer of the Lou Gordon Show and Hot Seat

NATPE Conference in March 1979 (Los Vegas). Jeanne Findlater

- The Detroit Free Press, December 19, 2021 – Opinion: One responsibility of women leaders in the 1980s – don’t spoil it for other women (PDF)
- Best of the Class 1981 with Jeanne Findlater
Best of the Class 1981 with Jeanne Findlater
“I created the campaign, which was eventually sponsored in up to 90 U.S. TV markets sponsored by General Motors. I was Community Affairs director for Detroit’s WXYZ-TV (ABC -TV) and can say, with great appreciation that the campaign would likely NEVER have been created had not station VP & General Manager Jeanne Findlater, a former school teacher, broken the “glass ceiling” becoming the “first woman” (1979) to manage a major-market TV station in the USA – WXYZ-TV.” – Walter (Buzz) Luttrell
- Jeanne Findlater with Bill Bonds
Always friends but always knew that Jeanne was the boss.
Terry Pochert's Retirement Collection Jeanne Findlater with Bill Bonds – May 1979 - Jeanne – Friend to all Co-workers
- Retirement Seems Very Happy
- Broadcasting Yearbook, 1979
Broadcasting Yearbook 1979, Page B-106 James R. Osborn, VP & Gen. Mgr; Jeanne Findlater, Prog Dir; Dave Kenworthy, Promotion Mgr; Lee Gannon, General Sales Mgr; Phil Sweenie, National Sales Mgr; Keith McClellan, Local Sales Mgr; Jon K. Gluck, Director of Research and Development; Phil Nye, News Dir; Wally Roadammer, Chief Engineer.
- Journalism leaders at Wayne State say ‘yes’ to sophisticated audiences of the future
Media leaders put a positive spin on the future of journalism in a discussion of “Journalism’s Future: A View From the Top” during the recent Communication Week at Wayne State University.
The panelists saw a future replete with drastic changes through technology and audience sophistication. They saw a successful future responding to strong challenges in ethics, responsible journalism and relevance to diverse audiences. Continued (PDF)….
Broadcasters mentioned in article: Grace Gilchrist, Joe Martelle, Ven Marshall, Jennifer Akers, Jeanne Findlater
- Wayne State University, Public Relations – May 15, 1998 (PDF)
- Good Afternoon Detroit Second Anniversary Show – 1984
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