WXYZ: Good Afternoon Detroit
WJBK: Celebrity columnist
WJR: AM radio celebrity columnist
Died: May 29, 2005, after lengthy illness of Alzheimer’s disease while in New York. She was a writer for many years with the Detroit Free Press.
Shirley Eder filled in for Rita Bell’s Prize Movie during Rita’s vacations.
- Variety.com, May 31, 2005 – Shirley Eder (PDF)
- Cameo in “Palm Springs Weekend” as entertainment journalist.
- Author of Not this time, Cary Grant!: And other stories about Hollywood – Nostalgic stories of celebrity encounters by the famed Detroit columnist: “The author writes a syndicated column for the Detroit Free Press and Photoplay — and it’s all a Ruth Buzzi kissee-kissee about HOLLYWOOD — Kathryn Grayson, Ginger Rogers, Vic Damone, Barbara Stanwyck, and, on a trip to Paris, Brigitte Bardot (‘everything in person she was on screen’)” — Kirkus Reviews
- FindaGrave.com – Shirley Eder
- Kelly and Company – Anniversary Show
The last show, 1994, which was hosted by John Kelly and Marilyn Turner. The show continued for another year hosted by Marilyn and Nikki Grandberry. The final show was in June 1995.
Kelly & Company – Anniversary Show Back Row: Tom MacKinnon, Dennis Fairchild, Sally Victor, Cheryl Hall, Jeffrey Bruce, Don Ritter, Jim Ochs, Ralph Cash, Dan Weaver, Danny Jacobson
Second from Back: Maria Ang, Shirley Eder, Lynda Hirsch, Connie Farell, Gene Taylor, Harriet Rotter, Tara Wall, Phyllis Seel, Brad Hurtado, Randy Barone, Chuck Derry
Second from Front: ????? (cowboy hat), ?????, Robert L. Woodruff, Sylvia Hacker, Mary Pelloni, Lori Weiss, Ellen Kennedy
Front Row: ?????, Florine Mark, Mel Shaw, Bunny Miller-Shaw, John Kelly, Marilyn Turner, Gail Parker, Linda Solomon, Dell WarnerPlease help us identify some of these folks. We welcome your comments at the bottom of this page.
- GAD – Good Afternoon Detroit Anniversary Show 1984
Help us name the people we are missing from the caption.
Back Row: Dex Sieger, Chris Stepien, Pete, Jim Ochs, ?????, Junie Bond, Tom Cleeves, Randy Silverman, Harriet Rotter, Jillayne Pautsch, Gene Taylor, ?????, Synka Curtis, John Kelly, Glenn Pearson, Gail Parker, Shirley Eder, Geoff Brock, Doug Kole, Bob Dear, Sioux DeOrlow Goodman, Tom McKinnon, Yanni
Middle Row: Cathy Alfafara, Jackie (Astrologer), Angela Addison, Nate Penn, ?????, Laurie Leinonen, Cheryl Ross, Suzanne Timma, Don Carter, Claire Carmichael, Marilyn Turner, Barbara Koster, Keith Booth, Kathy Linwood, Lisa Fisco, Colleen Burcar, Debbie Avery Canter, Lynda Hirsch, ?????, TJ Elliot
Front Row: Dayna Eubanks, Jim Johnson, Al Sieger, Sid Day, Tony Tillman, Dave Riley, Vic Hill, Del Warner
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