WFAA: TV weather.
KTXD: TV weather.
WXYZ: 1974, TV weather. Started his trademark bow tie
WCAU: TV weather
KTRK: TV weather.
KWTX: 1958, TV weather.
- Wikipedia
- UncleBarkey.com, October 18, 2006 – Troy’s autumn years mean summer departure (PDF)
- Jesus Makes Salsa by the Seashore: And Other Fresh-Approach Bible Studies
Available from Amazon.com One of my most enjoyable and enlightening experiences was going to lunch with Troy Dungan. Not just any lunch, but the weekly Wednesday Bible study lunches where media folks from the Dallas Morning News and Troy’s WFAA-TV station would gather to hear Troy’s take on a Bible passage. His knowledge on the Scripture and his perspectives on life were always insightful and enriched my faith. They also strengthened my courage to face the rest of the week. This book is a must-read over and over. – Stewart Lytle, journalist and novelist
Gathering each week, we could almost smell the fish and spices from Jesus’s breakfast fire. We prayed for Idgie the dog and for a child with cancer. Absorbing Troy’s poignant lessons, we tasted Jesus’s own special sauce. These lessons enriched us; they changed our lives. – Phil Oakley, journalist and author
Troy Dungan’s studies are refreshingly creative and biblically on target. I love how he thinks about teaching the Scriptures. He makes me smile, laugh, and reflect on the Scriptures in a very personal way. I cannot help but think, I wish I had thought of it that way. I sat there with him on more than one occasion when he led these studies at Channel 8, and I watched God encourage people through his studies. God has gifted Troy with wonderful creativity and insight of getting to the point. – Dr. Harold Habecker, longtime senior pastor of Dallas Bible Church, founder of Finishing Well Ministries
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