Clyde Adler (White Fang) with Soupy Sales

2 responses to “Clyde Adler (White Fang) with Soupy Sales”
I have just completed a book on Soupy Sales in Detroit and am looking for photographs (such as the one with Clyde Adler) that I could include in the book that will be published by Wayne State University Press. Please let me know if permission could be granted for that and other photographs from Soupy’s time on WXYZ TV (1953-1960). Thanks.
For high resolution photo along with the permissions would have to be given directly by the station itself. Although we have some images, the copyright is owned by WXYZ and Scripps-Howard. Please contact the station directly at 248-827-7777, 20777 W 10 Mile Rd, Southfield, MI 48075. One photo at https://broadcastingvault.com/just-friends-and-family-at-wxyz/ is owned by Wanda Doerner. I’ll forward your request to her.
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