Category: WXYZ – Detroit, MI
Rosenbaum, Tom
WXYZ: TV news director. WNCN: WPMI: KBAK: WGME: WVUE: KJCT: WALA: WABC: KTLA: WLS: WDAF: References: Facebook Associated Press News Archives – October 10, 1987 (PDF)
The WXYZ News Water Promo
Who remembers the “famous” WXYZ News Water Promo. Taped in the garage and at a neighboring high school pool with a underwater training window, it was a blast to do. Tom Polk was the master mind. Cameo appearances in the outtakes include Larry Paulus, Don Ritter and Alan Sieger. Terry Pochert in the scuba gear.
Brodley, Sheldon – “Shel”
WXYZ: TV engineering. From the Brother Rice High School Student Parent Handbook 2013-14, “The school logo is the Warrior Head. The school nickname is the Warriors. The late Mr. Sheldon Brodley, a football coach and long time friend of Brother Rice, was responsible for our present logo. In 1969, he asked Jack Flechsig, Art Director…
Daguerre’s American Legacy: Photographic Portraits (1840 – 1900) from the Wm. B. Becker Collection
by Wm B Becker The first photographic portraits were objects of wonder. From tentative beginnings in 1840, the practice of capturing a person’s “perfect image and identity” with a camera became an industry, an art form, and a means for Americans from all walks of life to send personal and often intimate messages about themselves…
Van Messel, Jimmy
WXYZ: TV news executive producer under Bill Fyffe and Phil Nye. Worked with Kelly Burke in Washington, DC.
Rose, Ron
WXYZ: Radio talent. References: LinkedIn Facebook / Ron Rose Productions Recent Sightings: Ron Rose Milagro
Rogers, Eddie
WXYZ: AM, Circa 1975. Recent Sightings: Ford Motor Company – District Manager, Detroit Region Eddie Rogers Productions
After A Day of News Gathering
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Robinson, Dave
WXYZ: TV news producer. Died serving as news director in Portland, Maine. Born in Scotland on February 25, 1944 and died at the age of 42.
Vaughn, Jeff
KCAL: Anchor for KCAL9, Los Angeles. WXYZ: News anchor/reporter. KCBS: References: Ad Week FTV Live Facebook Twitter Facebook
Klitenic, Stu
WXYZ: Sports reporter. The Spartanburg Herald, May 20, 1977 American Jewish Life, June 2005 References: Wikipedia LinkedIn
Rodammer, Wallace – ‘Wally’
WXYZ: TV Chief Engineer. Died May 9, 2020. KTSB: Chief Engineer References: Obituary (PDF)
Rideout, Aletha
WXYZ: Promotions Producer. WNEM: WJBK: References: Facebook LinkedIn
Riddell, Reid
WXYZ: TV news ENG videographer. Recent sightings: Riddell Television Productions;
Turnbough, Dorcene
WXYZ: Secretary to Nancy Gallagher in Personnel and then moved to Programming to work with Bob Woodruff. Sadly, she passed away in Fall, 1999.
Rhoades, Jimmy
WXYZ: Detroit bureau host of Scripps Howard’s The List. Deal of the Day, Healthy Living, It’s Michigan Made. WRCJ: References: Twitter The List Facebook LinkedIn Personal Website
Wait, Tom J. – TJ
WXYZ: TV News Reporter. 2008-2013. KCAL: References: Facebppl/cp, Twitter – KCAL LinkedIn
Reynolds, Joey
WXYZ: Radio disc jockey for a short time starting on April 19, 1966 through ????? WFIL: WIBG: WIXY: Radio Disk Jockey WDRC: KRTH: KMPC: KQV: WOR: WNBC: WKBW: WKWK: WWOL: References: Wikepedia Trax and Grooves, July 2017 – Joey Reynolds
Reicheld, Lee Alan
Radio program director. Lee was assistant sound producer ABC Television in Detroit for Lunch with Soupy, The daily Soupy Sales television show in Detroit. See also: Lee Alan Research: Lee Alan Creative
Bradley, Chris
Died 2018. WBNS: Weather. WXYZ: Weather. From 1994-1998. November 28, 2017 – We have just been informed that Chris has been diagnosed with leukemia. It is currently not in remission. Our staff and fellow co-workers pray for comfort during the doming days. From WBNS – February 4, 2014 References: Facebook Recent Sightings: WBNS Columbus, Ohio
Walsh, Katherine M. – ‘Kathy’
WXYZ: TV news reporter. KCNC: Social Media: Sightings: KCNC-TV, Denver, Colorado (bio)
Walters, Fred
WXYZ: AM News Director. WIP: KYW: Quoted from Broadcast Pioneers, “In 1978, he was transferred to the company’s allnews station in New York City, WINS. In 1980, he became National Political Correspondent for Westinghouse, but left the company in September of that year to become news director of the ABCowned radio station in Detroit, WXYZ (now WHYT).…
Walton, Marsha
WXYZ: TV news writer/producer. Recent sightings: American Association for the Advancement of Science Social Networks: Facebook LinkedIn
Poole, Ed
WXYZ: Radio Sales References: LinkedIn Recent Sightings: OHS Health & Safety Services, Inc.