WXYZ: Anchor, reporter

Bumper Sticker from a PR campaign – Circa 1980s

- Always Award Winners
- Bill Bonds and Coleman Young
Lafyette Coney Island, Detroit
Coleman Young and Bill Bonds at Lafyette Coney Island, Detroit - A Great News Team – Circa 1980s at WXYZ
- Bill Bonds with Corinne Aguilar
Photo by Wanda Doerner at Mr. Joe’s, Southfield, Michigan. Corinne wrote on Facebook, “It was on May 15th, 2009 the day before my 55th birthday.”
Wanda Doerner Bill Bonds and Corinne Aguilar - Great Memory from WXYZ Holiday Past
During Channel Seven’s Prime Years
Bell Ringers in order:
Marilyn Turner, John Kelly, Doris Biscoe, Bill Bonds. Guy Gordon, Diana Lewis, Erik Smith, Rob Kress, Robbie Timmons, Bill Bonds, Mike Holfeld, Dave Lewallen, Frank Turner, Bill Bonds - Serious WXYZ Newsroom Discussion
- Jeanne Findlater with Bill Bonds
Always friends but always knew that Jeanne was the boss.
Terry Pochert's Retirement Collection Jeanne Findlater with Bill Bonds – May 1979 - Bill Bonds and Fran Victor – Reunion 2013
- Diana Lewis Retirement
Leslie J. Griff ?????, ?????, Diana Lewis, Bill Bonds, Jerry Hodak References:
- The Detroit Free Press, Rochelle Riley, July 26, 2012 – Local News to Lose Class Act (PDF)
- Retirement Seems Very Happy
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