Author: Terry Pochert
Art Fettig’s Quote of the Week – Brian Tracy
Every single life only becomes great when the individual sets upon a goal or goals which they really believe in, which they can really commit themselves to, which they can put their whole heart and soul into. Brian Tracy References: Twitter LinkedIn Facebook Tweets by BrianTracy
Carter, Sue
WXYZ: Reporter, anchor and talk show host for WXYZ-TV. Anchor/reporter for radio stations WWJ, WHND and WVIC. News Director for WABX. References: Michigan Journalism Hall of Fame – 2007 (PDF)
Art Fettig’s Longfellows
Art Fettig’s Monday Morning Memo July 31, 2017 In this Issue o Longfellows o Say Something Good o Points To Ponder o A Little Humor o Quote o To Subscribe Longfellows I’m a poet, my feet show it. They’re Longfellows. I’ve been called a lot of strange things in my career but not since high…
Discount Coupons by Art Fettig
Discount coupons. Man, we have been livin’ high on the hog lately dining out with discount coupons. We had a terrific lunch at a Mexican Restaurant and the bill was just $7 for the two of us. Then we went in for a snack at Hardy’s and had two jumbo chili dogs and two double…
The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Poorer in Trump’s World
A great explanation by former President Jimmy Carter.[1] References: The Intercept, May 9, 2017, Zaid Jilani – Jimmy Carter and Bernie Sanders Explain How Inequality Breeds Authoritarianism Wikipedia
Fisco, Lisa
WXYZ: TV Producer. References: AOL, March 2, 2010 – Second Career: TV Producer Turns Olympic Hopeful (PDF Archive)
Ross Reck: The Secret To Working Smarter
The biggest single mistake people who are trying to become successful make is that they try to do it by themselves. That represents the hard way of trying to become successful. The smart way is to get people to help you and the more help you get, the faster you’ll get there. Joe Girard got…
Ross Reck: Sincere Appreciation Gets Results
One of the deepest needs of our human existence is the need to be appreciated. Each and everyone of us absolutely loves to be appreciated for who we are and what we do. If you satisfy this need in those around you, you’ll have all kinds of people excited and willing to do just about…
Dear, Robert – ‘Bob’
WXYZ: Staging and lighting director., “Local 38 member Robert C. Dear, father of director William Dear (“Angels in the Outfield”) and Script Supervisor Susan Dear, died of congestive heart failure on December 11 (2009). He was 90. Dear was born in Toronto, Canada. After serving as a tail gunner in the Royal Canadian Air…
Trumps Shameful Speech to the Boy Scouts
Our President Needs The Validation Of Boy Scouts – Stephen Colbert The President had a great opportunity to inspire a large audience of youngsters… and instead spent his entire speech discussing politics, crowd sizes and his rich friend’s boating escapades. Chief Scout Executive Michael Surbaugh made an apology to the parents, … I want to…
Ross Reck: Caring Energizes Everyone Around You
When you open up and care about people, you make them feel really good about themselves. This releases the reservoir of positive energy that resides in all of us. As a resut, people not only feel compelled to care back, but they use some of this newly released positive energy to care about those around…
Shame on the Boy Scouts for Booing President Obama and Secretary Clinton
A black mark on the Boy Scouts Shame on the Boy Scouts for booing another boy scout, President Barrack Obama. Trump never was a boy scout.[1,2,3] As a Scout leader, my stomach is in knots about what Trump did today. If you haven’t watched it yet, don’t. It’s downright icky. — Chris Murphy (@ChrisMurphyCT) July…
Ross Reck on Customer Service
Five months ago, I bought a Whirlpool electric range from the Lowe’s that’s near my home. After I finished cooking dinner this past Thursday, I noticed that the oven wouldn’t shut off. It sounded like it had shut off, but when I opened the oven door half an hour later, it was still producing heat.…
Cooper, Dennis Glen
WXYZ: Travel show with George Pierrot. Many were silent movies with travels from around the world and locations around Michigan and Canada. Many presentations were done at the Detroit Institute of Arts. Many folks had him as a junior high school teacher in the Detroit School system where he served for over thirty years.
Femmel, Richard “Dick”
WXYZ: News Director, Community Affairs. Dick always was a newscaster at the station and spelled George Pierrot occasionally on George Pierrot‘s World Adventure Series. Broadcasting – November 28, 1960
Remembering George Pierrot by Chase Snead
WXYZ: Chase Snead writes in Detroit Memories: I was a Producer/Director with Channel 7 from 1951 to 1970. Wow, were those great times.[1] Personnel mentioned in article: George Pierrot, Dick Femmel, Bob Bean, Dennis Glen Cooper References: Detroit Memories Newsletter (PDF)
Trump Attacks the Republican Congress
Their job is to protect the American people, not YOU. — Rogue CPI (@RogueCPI) July 23, 2017 References: Twitter – July 23, 2017 (JPG)
My First Published Book by Art Fettig
Art Fettig’s Monday Morning Memo July 24th, 2017 800-441-7676 or 919-732-6994 In this Issue o My First Published Book o Say Something Good o Points To Ponder o A Little Humor o Quote o To Subscribe My First Published Book In 1973 I had my first book published. I went to church one morning…
Trump Turns Naval Commissioning Ceremony into a Political Speech
What a shame. The president asked his audience, including military members, for “a little hand” in getting his budget passed.[1] References: The Huffington Post, July 22, 2017, Carla Herreria – Naval Ceremony Turns Political After Donald Trump Asks Crowd To Call Congress
Beemer, Brace
WXYZ: Sergeant Preston of the Yukon and The Lone Ranger on WXYZ radio. Died 1965. Buried at White Chapel Cemetery in Troy, Michigan. References: C and G News – K. Michelle Moran writes in an article title, “Child actress from ‘The Lone Ranger’ to participate in upcoming talk” October 31, 2012 (PDF) Wikipedia The Last…
Anthony Scaramucci Anti-Trump Tweets
Calls Trump an “Odd guy” Supports strong gun control laws Islam Voted for Clinton and Obama. [November 9, 2011] Support common sense gun laws. [December 15, 2012] Support gay marriage, against death penalty, pro choice. References: The New York Times, Various Dates, David Leonhardt and Stuart A. Thompson – Trump’s Lies
Does Your Car Have a Recall?
More than 47 million vehicles have an open safety recall according AAA Insurance. Check to see if you vehicle is among them: You can search by your VIN or by entering the year, make and model of your car. AAA suggest you check for recalls at least once per year.
Vance, Jim
WRC: Washington’s longest-serving local news anchor, is dead at 75 years old on July 21, 2017. The NBC stalwart was among the first black anchors in a major media market. References: New York Daily News, July 22, 2017, Nicole Bitette – Jim Vance, veteran NBC Washington anchor, dead at 75 Wikipedia
Matthew, Arthur William
NBC National: Radio/Television personality with NBC. aka Art Carney References: Pintrest
Art Fettig – Interacting to Communicate
A very short video nugget showing Art Fettig, author, humorist and professional speaker, at a safety presentation for the military in Hawaii.
Detroit Sports Personalities – Andrea Joyce, Bob Page, Ron Cameron and Tom Ryan
Andrea Joyce, Tom Ryan, Bob Page, Ron Cameron
Trump Branding Removed
July 18, 2017 – Moved branding from building at Bay and Adelaide in Toronto. November 16, 2016 – Removed from three New York City apartment buildings.
How Trump is Sabotaging the ACA and Risking Your Life
Trump says, “Let it fail!”, but he is responsible for it failing and risking millions of lives in the process. Obamacare is not “collapsing under its own weight,” as Republicans are so fond of saying. It was sabotaged from the day it was enacted. And now the Republican Party should be held accountable not only…
SR 347 Traffic Camera Monitoring
Although not currently available on the Arizona Department of Transportation’s website, there are nine cameras that now monitor traffic along the critical route into the City of Maricopa. These cameras are only monitored internally by the ADOT Traffic Operations Center so that they can monitor traffic flow and adjust traffic signal timing if necessary. It…
An Amazing Example of Paying It Forward by Ross Reck
It all began at the McDonald’s Drive-Thru in Scottsburg, Indiana around 8:30 PM this past Father’s Day. An unknown woman pulled up to pay for her approximately $6.00 food order. When she looked back, she saw a dad with four kids and told the McDonald’s employee that she would pay for his $36.00 order as…
Best Microphones for Recording to Computers
Blue Rode Shure Sennheiser Audio Technica References: Techsmith, Matt Pierce, June 13, 2017
Kelly Burke on Assignment with Ladd Carlton and Eddie Dorfman
WXYZ: Film crew on assignment filming series about the military in the 1970s.
Our Politics are Divided
Put America First Our politics are divided. They have been for a long time. And while I know that division makes it difficult to listen to Americans with whom we disagree, that’s what we need to do today. I recognize that repealing and replacing the Affordable Care Act has become a core tenet of the…
Love and Happiness: An Obama Celebration
Watch the final White House concert hosted by President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama: BET’s Love and Happiness. – December 27, 2016
Maddow, Rachel
MSNBC: Host of The Rachel Maddow Show (TRMS). References: The Rachel Maddow Show Tweets by maddow
France’s Macron Plays Trump Like a Fiddle
Trump is extremely unpopular in France. President Emmanuel Macron has also been criticized for his “friendship” with Trump, but Macron has been willing to take this gamble. Trump also supported Macron’s opponent is his recent election and also through the Paris climate agreement under the bus. Trump also had many disparaging remarks regarding Paris and…
Security Camera Registration by the City of Maricopa
Maricopa Police Department Voluntary Security Camera Registration Program This program allows citizens and business owners to register the locations of their video surveillance systems with the Maricopa Police Department. When a crime occurs, we will be able to identify the locations of video surveillance systems and enlist the assistance of citizens to help us collect…
Beyond Duh! Creativity in Action by Art Fettig
A book for everyone who ever had a great idea! Develop your own creativity! Nourish creativity in others! Expand your imagination for fun and profit! Use you subconscious mind 24 hours a day Write a book, a dynamic presentation, a song! Turn on that creative genius within you! Make creativity the key to your expanding…
Instant Turnaround!: Getting People Excited About Coming to Work and Working Hard
By Dr. Ross Reck and Harry Paul Transform Your Workplace! Imagine a company where people are excited about coming to work and giving their best efforts every day. In this innovative and engrossing business parable, Harry Paul and Ross Reck show managers at all levels how they can immediately and easily increase productivity by tapping…
A Good Start in Life is Great, but it’s Nothing Compared to a Strong Finish
Some people get off to a very good start in life often for reasons beyond their control–sometimes their parents are able to do things for them that other people’s parents can’t or they’re born with special gifts that others aren’t. While we can’t do anything to alter the circumstances surrounding the earlier stages of our…
Interesting Cemetery Sign
Any takers? This sign was located at Calvary Catholic Cemetery in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Violation of Privacy
Arizona Secretary of State Michele Reagan might be violating standard privacy rules by providing the Federal Government with voter registration information. Much of the voter registration is currently public and is provided to certain political organizations for a small administration fee. Your Social Security number is considered to be private. Even providing the last four…
Trump Attacks Mika and Joe
I heard poorly rated @Morning_Joe speaks badly of me (don’t watch anymore). Then how come low I.Q. Crazy Mika, along with Psycho Joe, came.. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 29, 2017 …to Mar-a-Lago 3 nights in a row around New Year’s Eve, and insisted on joining me. She was bleeding badly from a face-lift.…
Bill Bonds Death – Bob Berg Reaction
Bob Berg, Coleman Young’s Press Secretary, reacts to the death of Bill Bonds and talks about the mutual respect Bill Bonds and Coleman Young had with each other.
Even Irritating Things Happen for a Reason by Dr. Ross Reck
My friend recently made an evening trip to the grocery store that didn’t go as she expected it to. After she picked up the items she wanted and got ready to check out, she remembered that she needed ice cream. So, she returned to the back of the store to get it. When she got…
Real Men Do Cry by Eric Hipple and Heidi Horsley
Real Men Do Cry, by former NFL quarterback Eric Hipple, is an incredible story of tragedy and triumph. After his 15-year-old son died of suicide, Eric fell into a debilitating downward spiral. Bankrupt and jailed for drunk driving, he found the strength to seek therapy for his own depression and was able to make an…
Global Water Resources
Research and statistics about water quality for the City of Maricopa, Arizona. Water Quality Report 2016 (PDF)
Marcel Proust
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. Marcel Proust Marcel Proust: In Search of Lost Time [volumes 1 to 7] (ReadOn Classics) Kindle Edition In Search of Lost Time (French: À la recherche du temps perdu)— previously also translated as Remembrance of…
Robin S. Sharma
Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It’s about impact, influence and inspiration. Impact involves getting results, influence is about spreading the passion you have for your work, and you have to inspire team-mates and customers. – Robin S. Sharma
Hats and Caps by Art Fettig
Caps: I was dining alone at a local burger haven and as I sat watching the cars go by a little man came in and sat at the next table. He wore one of those veteran’s caps with a row of ribbons and a combat rifleman’s badge and the cap said “World War II”. The…
Bosses by Art Fettig
I was just sitting here thinking of the bosses I have had in my life. I guess you might say that every person I ever worked for was, in a way, a boss. It was my job to keep them happy. Then if you wanted to stretch things you might say it was my job…
Earn Money By Taking Online Surveys – BUT Beware!
Online Surveys – Is It Worth It? Taking online surveys for some folks can be fun, but if you expect to get rich doing so will give you major disappointment. Many people who sign-up to these type of organizations can earn about $10/month average. Is it worth it? It is up to you. This definitely…
Ross Reck – A Wonderful Act of Kindness Performed by a Caring Angel
Jennifer Earl recently posted the most touching article on From a rooftop across the street from Wrigley Field, Ryan Hamilton watched as a blind man tried to hail a cab after a Saturday afternoon Cubs game. The area was crowded with thousands of people and the man was having no luck stopping a taxi. As…
SR 347 Overpass for the City of Maricopa, Arizona
Major city project from 2017 – 2019. References: Videos of Proposed Intersection (June 15, 2017)
Arizona 347 – Most Dangerous Road in Arizona
A major artery into and from the City of Maricopa to the metro Phoenix area is one of the most dangerous roads in the State of Arizona. Issues: Speeders: It’s not unusual to see people going over and estimated 100 miles per hour weaving in/out of traffic. Very little traffic control because of lack of…