Author: Terry Pochert
ABC Radio Corporate Gathering
Jay Hoker, Tim Kelly, Jim Gallant, Len Deibert, Tom Esbaugh, Sandee Anderson, Pam Cleeland, Joe Martelle, Jerry Johnson Billboard, February 14, 1981, Page 19
Clement, Colleen
WXYZ: TV executive producer. WISC: Producer WITI: Part-time Editor References: LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Tweets by collclement
Ross Reck: How To Connect Another Person’s Self-Interest With Yours
There is only one thing that gets people excited about doing anything; it’s their self-interest–what’s in it for them. So, if you want to get people excited about going the extra mile for you over and over again, all you have to do is figure out their self-interest and connect it with yours. This may…
Martelle, Joe
WXYZ: Assistant Program Director WJR: WYUR:
Lost in the Crowd – by Art Fettig
Say Something Good Orange Community Players/Annie We just attended the final performance of Annie and I can vouch for the fact that not one person on that stage today left anything behind. Everyone in the cast performed like a dedicated performer and it was such a joy to be in that audience. During a musical…
Stringless Banjo? By Art Fettig
My double-headed stringless banjo adventure I saw it listed in a senior’s programs booklet. “Share Your Songs”. I drove over to Chapel Hill to their Senior Center and met two young (by my standards but old by most’s,) gentlemen with guitars. The notice said to bring our acoustic instruments. Are finger bongos an “acoustic instrument”?…
Art Fettig: My Double-headed Stringless Banjo Adventure
Art Fettig’s Monday Morning Memo August 7, 2017 In this Issue o My double-headed stringless banjo adventure o Say Something Good o Points To Ponder o A Little Humor o Quote o To Subscribe My double-headed stringless banjo adventure I saw it listed in a senior’s programs booklet. “Share Your Songs”. I drove over to…
Cuddles Makes A New Friend by Tara Edwards
Written by WXYZ Reporter, Tara Edwards. Every child needs a cuddle buddy. Follow this exciting series of books that aims to help kids overcome obstacles.
Cleeland, Pam
WXYZ: AM promotions. Radio & Records, August 19, 1983 During a meeting in New Orleans, Pam Cleeland participated in a forum, “Suggestions Are Offered On Staging ‘The Big Event’ Billboard, July 9, 1983
Donald Trump Might Have Kept His Own Grandfater from Immigrating
Frederick Trump immigrated into the United States (the first time) at age 16 and started working as a barber. References: Wikipedia New York Daily News, August 3, 2017, Ross Rosenfeld – Trump’s new immigration policy would’ve kept his own grandfather out CNN Politics, November 23, 2016, Angela Dewan and Madleen Schroeder – Trump’s grandfather ‘kicked out of…
Kelly, Garry
WXYZ: TV news, writer, producer. Recent Sightings: News Director at ABC 33/44 – April 22, 2014 – Winner of six regional Edward R. Murrow awards, including the station’s sixth regional award for “Overall Excellence.” Social Media: Facebook
Clark, Stephen
WXYZ: Interactive news anchor, reporter, photographer, editor, writer beginning July 2002 ff. Last day at Channel Seven, February 28, 2018. References: Twitter LinkedIn Recent News: Snake is Found in the Newsroom Twitter Tweets by stephenclark
Rockford, Marv
KCNC: 1983-95 – Vice President, News Director, General Manager. KUSA: News operations manager. WXYZ: TV news assignment desk. KMGH: Producer KGUN: Reporter, producer, editor, photographer. References: Rockford out, DeHaven in at Channel 4
Ross Reck: Listening Builds Loyalty
The key to creating loyal customers is simply listening. If you listen long enough and hard enough, the customer will tell you exactly what it’s going to take to maintain his or her loyalty. All you need to do then is act on this information and you are home free. As simple as this sounds,…
Ross Reck: Winning Over A New Person
The quickest way of winning over a new person is to send them a clear message that you are for real. One way of doing this is to promise to do something for them and then exceed their expectations with how you follow through on your promise. For example, if you promise to get this…
Ross Reck: Showing An Interest Can Work Wonders
My oldest child is a son named Philip. If we have spent time together and feel good about each other, and I ask Philip to mow the lawn, chances are he will agree. On the other hand, if I have been gone for a week and we haven’t seen each other, much less done anything…
Ross Reck: Be Sensitive To Other People’s Ideas
Ask a Few Questions Always keep in mind that when people present an idea, their ego is embedded in it. If you put down their idea, you bruise their ego and make them feel bad. Now that person is working against you instead of with you. So, the next time someone presents an idea to…
Maricopa’s Dangerous Roads
Among the many roads in the City of Maricopa, some seem more dangerous than others. The speed along Maricopa Casa Grande Highway can vary up to 50 mph, but thousands of people everyday violate the laws. Below is one incident from August 1, 2017. Traffic ax MCG Highway West of Maricopa Groves Parkway W/B lanes…
Art Fettig: Renewal
Art Fettig’s Monday Morning Memo July 13, 2009 In This Issue o Renewal o Say Something Good o Visit Our Website o Points To Ponder o A Little Humor o Quote of the Week o To Subscribe Renewal “Sometimes our candle goes out, but is blown into flame by an encounter with another human being.”…
Trump Aide, Sebastian Gorka, Tied to Nazi Germany
Think Progress, “Notably, no one was sure what exactly Gorka’s role in the White House was. At any rate, a lot of people wanted him to stop doing it, because Gorka had been linked to a Nazi-allied group in Hungary, and he was advising the president of the United States.” [3] “As members of the…
Ross Reck: Dishonesty Will Always Cost You
Several years ago on Memorial Day weekend, my family and I went to a local dealership to look at new cars. This started out as one of the most pleasant buying experiences that has ever happened to us. Instead of trying to sell us a car, the sales person actually let us buy one! He…
Ross Reck: Look At Your Relationships as Investments
Relationships are investments that have an awesome return. The reason is that personal relationships, as they develop, naturally lead to trust. When people trust you, they get excited about going the extra mile for you because they know you’re going to reciprocate in some meaningful way–whether it be a “thank you,” a pat on the…
Devil’s Bargain: Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, and the Storming of the Presidency by Joshua Green
From the reporter who was there at the very beginning comes the revealing inside story of the partnership between Steve Bannon and Donald Trump—the key to understanding the rise of the alt-right, the fall of Hillary Clinton, and the hidden forces that drove the greatest upset in American political history. Based on dozens of interviews…
Conscience of a Conservative: A Rejection of Destructive Politics and a Return to Principle by Jeff Flake
In a bold act of conscience, Republican Senator Jeff Flake takes his party to task for embracing nationalism, populism, xenophobia, and the anomalous Trump presidency. The book is an urgent call for a return to bedrock conservative principle and a cry to once again put country before party. Dear Reader, I am a conservative. I…
Jeff Flake Willing to Criticize Donald Trump
References: NBC News, August 1, 2017, Chuck Todd and Carrie Dann – Jeff Flake Takes On Trump and Puts His Political Future on the Line TIME, July 31, 2017, Katie Reilly – Republican Senator Jeff Flake Accuses GOP of ‘Unnerving Silence’ Under President Trump
Film Offices Within the State of Arizona
So you want to shoot a major motion picture or industrial in the State of Arizona. With well over 300 days of beatiful sunny weather, Arizona has been the site of many major motion pictures. Try contacting the following offices for further information. City of Phoenix Film Office Flagstaff Film Office Lake Havasu Film Office Navajo…
City of Maricopa Unemployment Historical Data
Unemployment in the City of Maricopa continues to grow according to the Arizona Department of Commerce. References: Arizona Workforce Informer – Employment Statistics Bureau of Labor Statistics – Click Arizona in the right column.
Alert: Mike Pence Voting Against Veterans
Mike Pence will make the republican ticket the most anti-troop, anti-veteran one in American history. Pence consistently voted against funding veterans health care 2001: Pence effectively voted against increasing funding for VA medical care programs 2003: Pence voted against providing $1.3 billion for veterans health care 2005: Pence voted against an amendment increasing veterans health…
Eyler, Rick
WXYZ: TV, Assignment Desk. Just one of the ads Rick Placed in Broadcasting for additional help at the station. Rick Eyler – Broadcasting, January 12, 1981
There Was A Time by George Burlbaugh
My involvement with television and television news began more than a half century ago, almost by accident. Out of High School, I installed tv antennas, went to Korea in communication intelligence and ended up a tv news director and network news producer. This is a look back at some of the things I remember best.
Cheely, George
WXYZ: From the book, “There Was A Time” by George Burlbaugh, “George Cheely was our desk supervisor. He had been with CBS, left to take over as news director at WXYZ in Detroit and came to the NBC Washington Bureau after that. … He drove a 1960 Chevy II which was given to him as…
Kravinsky, Mike
ABC Network: TV producer, Editor, Technical Director. References: The Washington Post, January 14, 2015, Patricia Sullivan – Local Arlington filmmaker Mike Kravinsky hopes ‘Desirable’ hits home for millennials LinkedIn Forbes, April 16, 2013, Kerry Hannon – How’s This For A Second Verse? Lights, Camera, Action
100% Employee Engagement Guaranteed! Newly Revised [Kindle & Paperback Editions]
Now Available from for $15.99 Imagine a workplace where every employee is engaged with their work … where every employee shows up each day excited about giving every bit of energy, creativity and passion to performing their job. These employees don’t need to be motivated because they already are and they channel their motivation…
Ross Reck: People Remember Acts of Kindness
I grew up in southwestern Michigan where a lot of farms grow blueberries. My cousin Chris grew up there too and then moved to central Illinois where no farms grow blueberries. Every year during blueberry season Chris would go back to Michigan to visit her parents and she would bring blueberries back to central Illinois…
Say Something Good – Church Choirs by Art Fettig
Church choirs. Here at our church we are blessed with a terrific choir. Each Christmas time they present a special concert and this year I have been asked to introduce one of the numbers. The other evening I attended their choir practice and for the first time I witnessed all of the hard work that…
Chun, Jee-in
WXYZ: News producer. References: LinkedIn
AZ Ruling on Gay Marriage Ban Expected Soon
[Story originally appeared August 4, 2014] Jason Barry from CBS 5 in Phoenix, Arizona, writes, “A major ruling on same-sex marriage in Arizona is expected any day now. A lawsuit challenging the state’s gay marriage ban is making its way through federal court. Terry Pochert and Joe Connolly, of Maricopa, are one of seven couples…
WXYZ – The Lone Ranger / The Green Hornet / Sgt. Preston of the Yukon
WXYZ: The Lone Ranger/The Green Hornet/Sgt. Preston of the Yukon – Now a collector’s item, this hard to get audio CDs contains three hours of audio recordings of the original The Lone Ranger, The Green Hornet and Sgt. Preston of the Yukon. Originally distributed by Radio Spirits, many third party suppliers through have these…
Cella, William – ‘Bill’
WXYZ: TV sales. Tell us about your local sales days at WXYZ.[1] I was hired to work at WXYZ when I was working for a small rep firm. I met with Lee Gannon, who was the General Sales Manager at the time. Phil Sweenie was National Sales Manager and I reported to Keith McClellan, the…
Earl Wilson and ????? Photograph
WXYZ: Earl Wison and ????? – Photo Credit: Terry Pochert / 1986 Archive Collection
Milestone in D minor
WXYZ: ‘Milestone in D Minor‘ (September 9, 1968) is a half-hour documentary, in color, about James Frazier, the first Negro to conduct an entire concert with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. Throughout the program, Frazier, in his own words, traces the disappointments and achievements of his musical career.”–1968 Peabody Digest. Includes footage of Frazier at the…
Cazavan, Larry
WXYZ: 1972-1975 Program Director; 1973 Executive Producer on The Hot Fudge Show WXVT: Larry died from cancer at the age of 67. Director Station WCPO-television, Cincinnati, 1967, Station KMBC-television, Kansas City, Missouri, 1967—1970, program director, 1970—1971. Assistant program director Station World’s Largest Store -television, Chicago, 1972. Program director Station WXYZ-television, Detroit, 1972—1975, Station WISH-television, Indianapolis,…
Courage – A Poem by Art Fettig
Courage – © Art Fettig Courage—That stuff of which Heroes and heroines are made. God, I need a ton of it And more for what I must soon do. To change those things I can— Courage—that will be a start. The courage to live my life, Twenty-four hours at a time. The courage to face…