Author: Terry Pochert
Winning by Jack Welch
Winning Jack Welch knows how to win. During his forty-year career at General Electric, he led the company to year-after-year success around the globe, in multiple markets, against brutal competition. His honest, be-the-best style of management became the gold standard in business, with his relentless focus on people, teamwork, and profits. Since Welch retired in…
Art Fettig’s Newsletter: Love Sweet Love
Art Fettig’s Monday Morning Memo August 21st, 2017 In this Issue o Love Sweet Love o Say Something Good o Points To Ponder o A Little Humor o Quote o To Subscribe Love Sweet Love Once again there seems to be a whole lot of anger and hatred traveling around this nation of ours. What…
Machesky, Paul
WXYZ: TV news WJBK: Assignment Editor KSDK: Night Assignment Editor/Coordinator for Live Coverage KGAN: News Director Broadcasting – March 24, 1986
Mermelstein, Aaron
KSDK: Special Features Reporter WSM: Senior Reporter
A Busy Newsroom at WXYZ – Circa 1980s
Harry Greener, ?????, Glenn Bar, Andrea Parquet, Donella Crawford, ?????, Steve Kremer, ?????, Al Upchurch, ?????, Glenn Therrien, ?????, Terry Owens – Photo from Terry Pochert’s retirement collection
Fredrick, Ronald – ‘Ron’
WXYZ: TV Network Sales. Article with quotes from Ron Fredrick References: Broadcasting – February 28, 2000 (PDF) J. Walter Thompson
Cleeves, Thomas A.
WXYZ: TV engineering and video editor. Eaton Rapids, Michigan – Thomas Allen Cleeves, born on April 14, 1949 passed away on June 27th 2011 in Phoenix, Arizona at age 62. Son of Kenneth and Geraldine (Finch) Cleeves, Tom was born and raised in Eaton Rapids and Graduated from Eaton Rapids High School in 1967. He then…
Trump Ends Funding to Fight Extremist Groups
While Trump empowers extreme right-wing through his words, tweets and press conferences, his administrations ends funding to fight such groups. WASHINGTON ― Weeks before a violent white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, led to three deaths and 19 injuries, the Trump administration revoked a grant to Life After Hate, a group that works to de-radicalize…
Ross Reck: There’s A Reason Why It’s Called The “Golden” Rule
The Golden Rule Treating others the way you want to be treated is often referred to as the Golden Rule. The reason it’s called the Golden Rule is that it has such a high payoff associated with it. People absolutely crave to be treated with kindness and respect. So, when you treat them this way,…
Ross Reck: You Can Go to the Well As Often As You Want
Relationships I’m sure you’ve all heard the old adage, “You can go to the well once too often.” It means that you can only ask another person for favors so many times before you wear out your welcome. This is true only if you fail to maintain your relationships. As long as you maintain your…
Terry Pochert and Lee Pochert Fishing at Port Hope, Michigan
Terry Pochert and Lee Pochert (cousins) fishing at Port Hope, Michigan, during perch season.
Port Hope’s St. John Lutheran School closes after 133 years
PORT HOPE – Port Hope’s St. John Lutheran School is closing due to declining enrollment after 133 years of offering a Christian education, most recently to K-8. “Throughout the years, thousands of young people have entered our doors and left with a firm foundation rooted in our Lord jesus Christ,” the school released in a…
Hare, John
ABC Network: ABC owned radio Group President KSCS: FM, 1996 President and General Manager along with managerial responsibilities for several Detroit stations. WBAP: AM, 1986 President and General Manager KTKS: FM, 1984 Vice President and General Sales Manager WRIF: FM, 1980 Vice President and General Sales Manager WRQX: FM, General Sales Manager KXYZ: AM/FM, 1969…
Earl Pochert’s Last Letters Before His Death at the Battle of the Bulge
During a very complicated battle near the end of World War II, American forces advanced toward Germany in a very intense war called the Battle of the Bulge. The lives lost were many and included my uncle, Earl Pochert. In a letter written to his brother and sister-in-law (my parents), Earl wrote about the “hell”…
Love Finds You In Charm – Date Disaster
Congratulations to the Meg Whitman. She plays a lead role, an Amish girl in this television movie. Her proud parents are David Whitman and Carol Coughlin Whitman. Dave was an anchor WXYZ back in the 70’s . Carol was the news director at WRIF FM . Meg Whitman, daughter of David Whitman and Carol Coughlin…
WXYZ Staff Buys New Homes
Benny Kyte, John Osgood Hart, and Emmet Leib, all of the staff of WXYZ, Detroit, have bought new homes recently. Kyte also has been shopping for a cradle. – Radio Daily, June 4, 1937, Page 8
NEA Radio Broadcasts over WWJ and WXYZ
The annual convention of the National Education Association, to be held June 26 to July 1 [1037] at Detroit, will be marked by five broadcasts over the NBC networks. Originating in the studios of WWJ and WXYZ, NBC affiliates in Detroit, the program will include talks by noted educators attending the convention and a dramatic…
We Endorse Kevin Patterson for Phoenix City Council District 6
Phoenix is a City on the rise, and Kevin is proud to call these streets home. As we continue to grow and develop, it is time for Phoenix to commit to a long term, strategic development plan that will shape our identity for years to come. Kevin has spent countless hours throughout this campaign sitting…
Merck Takes a Moral Stand Against Trump Administration — Merck (@Merck) August 14, 2017
GoDaddy is the Registrar for the Alt Right Website
Although kicked the Alt Right website,, from their hosting services, GoDaddy still is the registrar for their domain. [1] This website is title The Daily Stormer, a white-nationalist and neo-Nazi site. Google also hosts their email accounts. References: The Daily Beast, July 6, 2017, Brian Patrick Byrne – GoDaddy: Neo-Nazi Sites Aren’t ‘Morally Offensive’…
Ross Reck: The Return On Investment From Making Mistakes
Some people are so afraid of making a mistake that they let this fear paralyze them into inaction. What we have to remember is that life is all about making mistakes–and learning from them! If you’re not out there making mistakes, you’re not growing. It’s impossible to be creative, innovative or achieve progress without making…
Barack Obama Quotes Nelson Mandela
Regarding Charlottesville, President Barack Obama tweeted the following: “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin or his background or his religion…” — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 13, 2017 “People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love…” —…
Miller, Bruce
WXYZ: TV production, Staff Annoucer. WXYZ Radio Creative Production Director. WNOR: Director of Production References:
A Quick Fix for America – By Ross Reck, PhD and Harry Paul
A Quick Fix for America By Ross Reck, PhD and Harry Paul July, 2015 Coauthors of Instant Turnaround! Getting People Excited About Coming to Work and Working Hard Pundits, politicians and even President Obama are all saying that getting the economy back on track is going to take a long, long time. This is very…
Coughlin-Whitman, Carol
WXYZ: WRIF-FM, Jan 1976 through April 1979, News Director. Married to David Whitman. References: Facebook
Greenberg, Marty
WXYZ: Mr. Martin G. Greenberg, also known as Marty, was a Director of Bulkley Capital, L.P. He has served on the Boards of the National Association of Broadcasters, National Radio Broadcasters, and Radio Advertising Bureau. Mr. Greenberg possesses more than 33 years experience in the radio broadcast industry, having held positions at Emmis Broadcasting, A.H.…
Klemm, Greenberg and Miller Position Changes
WXYZ: Radio changes position of employees. David R. Klemm, Marty Greenberg, Bruce Miller. Billboard Magazine, October 24, 1964 References: Billboard Magazine – October 24, 1964
We Won Our Lawsuit Against the State of Arizona
Rally after the win of the lawsuit again the State of Arizona for Marriage Equality – October 17, 2017 Robin Reece and Renee Kaminski – Joe Connolly and Terry Pochert
Seleski, Gary
WXYZ: System Support Engineer. Recent Sightings Fox Sports Detroit References: LinkedIn
Schlaff, Gary
WXYZ: Sales research director. Retired: September 2014. References: Farmington Brewing Company, Farmington, Michigan Farmington Voice – November 14, 2014 (PDF) Facebook
Trip Kraniak Retirement Party – A Great Send Off From WXYZ-TV
WXYZ: Wishing a great retirement to Trip Kraniak. This photo is an amazing group picture of an amazing technical support team for WXYZ-TV. Retirement gathering, October 2015, for Trip Kraniak group photo. WXYZ Engineering Guru’s at Gary Schlaff’s – Farmington Brewing Company Backrow: Bob Malik, David Krofchok Center: Ron Breitner, Reid Neumann, George Cwiek, Chris Allen Trip Kraniak, Kirk Allen Front: Bill Bruff, Don Cook, Steve Pelletier
Art Fettig’s Broken Glasses
Art Fettig’s Monday Morning Memo August 14, 2017 In this Issue o Broken Glasses o Say Something Good o Points To Ponder o A Little Humor o Quote o To Subscribe Broken Glasses The wife of my old music partner had made arrangements for me to visit a women’s maximum security prison and do an…
Web Master Tools
Here’s a great list of tools that any Webmaster would love. Server Blacklisted? MX Toolbox
- – Free Online File Conversion
A great site for those folks to get frustrated with files they can’t open or need to send to friends in different formats. Visit for instructions. No software to download or install and this can be done anywhere you have an Internet connection.
Dunn Resnik, Jamie
Freelance TV producer/writer in the Denver area ABC Network: Producer WXYZ: 1996-2000 Writer, producer.
Solomon, Lee
Bloomfield Community TV: Editor, technical director, floor director, camera, teleprompter operator WJBK: 2000s Editor, playback operator and tape coordinator WXYZ: 1995-1999 Editor, playback operator
Kryscynski, Traci (nee Ditchie)
WJBK: Writer WXYZ: Mid-1990s first as an intern and PA, then as a writer. Tweets by tditchiefox2
Pochert, Mina Bell – Obituary – June 1, 2003
Macomb Daily, June 3, 2003 Mina Belle L. Pochert-Schultz – Mina Belle L. Pochert-Schultz, 80, a Shelby Township-area resident since 1985, died Sunday, June 1, 2003. She was born Aug. 1, 1922, in Harbor Beach. Mrs. Pochert-Schultz attended Trinity Lutheran Church, where she was a member of the Ladies Aide and the Golden Circle. She…
Terry Pochert’s Retirement from WXYZ
Stairs: ?????, Harry Greener Back Row: Guy Gordon, Megan Saunders, ?????, Eileen Greener, Dave Riley, ?????, Steve Lawrence, Ray Mannino, ?????, Scott Wolan, ?????, Eddie Dorfman Middle Row: ?????, Terry ?????, Shelly Greenberg, Chris Huebner, Tom Cleeves, Jim Dunlap Kneeling: ?????, Terry Pochert, Rosa Ybarra, Wanda Doerner, ?????,?????, Lynn, Chris Dunlap, ????? Can you…
Plaintiffs and Legal Staff for Marriage Equality in Arizona
The year 2014 was an amazing year for marriage equality in Arizona. Below are just some of the plaintiffs and lawyer that helped win the lawsuit.
Kostan, Steve
WXYZ / WRIF: FM programming, personality. References: Facebook
Free Concert On The Plaza – June 8, 1982
Bilboard Magazine – June 12, 1982 – DETROIT — WRIF and Dr. Pepper kick off the second annual “Free Concerts On The Plaza” series Tuesday, set for June 8 (Tuesday) with Bitter Sweet Alley set for the opening act. Nine noontime concerts featuring top local rock bands will follow on consecutive Tuesdays. WRIF personalities Steve…
Weights and Measures when deciding what stocks to buy.
Internal Ownership Generally, a successful company will always have a large number of its owners also own stock in their own company. The higher the percent, the more likely the company will be successful. Debt to Equity Ratio Try to pick companies with on debt and lots of cash reserves. Some research companies call this…
Just Prior to the Six PM News
WXYZ: It’s always hussle bussle prior to any newscast. Here the six o’clock producer, Bob Clinkingbeard is finalizing the rundown for the newscast along with the writers and executive producers.
Emmy Award in 1990 For Homeless Series
WXYZ: Donella Crawford and Herman Mckalpain were nominated for an emmy in 1990 for a Homeless series, 6 Parts on the 11pm news on wxyz-Ch. 7
Good Afternoon Detroit – WXYZ’s Afternoon Entertainment Show
WXYZ: Afternoon entertainment show. Good Afternoon Detroit Second Anniversary Show that features an overall “Dynasty” theme. aired November 1984[1] References: Bob and Ann Shanks
GAD – Good Afternoon Detroit Anniversary Show 1984
Help us name the people we are missing from the caption. Back Row: Dex Sieger, Chris Stepien, Pete, Jim Ochs, ?????, Junie Bond, Tom Cleeves, Randy Silverman, Harriet Rotter, Jillayne Pautsch, Gene Taylor, ?????, Synka Curtis, John Kelly, Glenn Pearson, Gail Parker, Shirley Eder, Geoff Brock, Doug Kole, Bob Dear, Sioux DeOrlow Goodman, Tom McKinnon, Yanni…
Diana Lewis and Herman McKalpain – Christmas
Diana Lewis and Herman McKalpain [Facebook] – Photo credit ?????
Herman McKalpain and Nelson Burg at WXYZ Party
WXYZ: Over the course of decades, there were always parties. The parties built many friendships between co-workers and helped create an environment in the 1980s-90s that made the station number one in the market. Herman McKalpain and Nelson Burg – Original photo from the Terry Pochert retirement collection.
A Collector of Rare Books
As the story goes… A Collector of rare books ran into an acquaintance who told him he had just thrown away an old Bible that he found in a dusty, old box. He happened to mention that Guten – or somebody-or-other had printed it. Not Gutenberg? – gasped the collector. Yes, that was it! “You…
Goin’ Steady – WXYZ Variety Show
Betty Clooney, Leonard Standley and his orchestra and The Four Freshman – Billboard – October 18, 1952, Page 15 Betty Clooney, Speedway Petroleum Corporation, Floyd Rice Ford Agency, Grand River Chevrolet, W.B. Doner Agency – Billboard, January 17, 1953, Page 10
Clooney, Betty
WXYZ: (April 12, 1929 – August 5, 1976) Talent on Goin’ Steady (1952-53). The program was “said to be the most elaborate locally sponsored variety show on the air.”[2] After Clooney’s death, her family established the Betty Clooney Foundation for Persons with Brain Injury. It operates the Betty Clooney Center for Persons with Traumatic Brain…
George Takei – A Proud Gay American
We were fortunate to meet George Takei and his partner Brad Altman at the HRC dinner this past March, 2014, in Phoenix, Arizona. A handshake, a hug and a word of encouragement from George and Brad helped make our same sex marriage fight here in Arizona, just a bit easier. But our struggle pales in…
Coden, Ron
WXYZ: Host/talent on Hot Fudge starting with season 2 until its conclusion. References: Internet Movie Database – Ron Coden Internet Movie Database – Hot Fudge