Author: Terry Pochert
Ross Reck: The Surest Way To Gain Influence
Is Your Ego Showing? Ross Reck writes, “Many people attempt to gain influence by calling attention to themselves–things they’ve accomplished, places they’ve been, things they own, people they know and so forth. While such behavior comes quite naturally to most of us, it does little to improve your standing with those around you because most…
President Clinton’s Visit to WXYZ – February 9, 1993
Segments from The New York Times [1] article: But before the policy debate begins, there are important, though small, details to consider, like the color of the set here. The White House wants “Presidential blue,” and lacking guidance on exactly what hue that is, the station has come up with a sky blue, faux marble…
Charlottesville Conspiracy Theories Begin
“I witnessed a terrorist attack in Charlottesville. Then the conspiracy theories began.” On, Brennan Gilmore writes: Last Sunday evening, I received a worried call from my sister asking if I had spoken with my mother and father. I had spent the day doing interviews about the vehicle attack I witnessed the day before while…
Good Afternoon Detroit Second Anniversary Show – 1984
John Kelly, Marilyn Turner, Jim Ochs, Jeanne Findlater, Jim Johnson, Sylvia Glover, Colleen Burcar, Dayna Eubanks
Jim Ochs at One of Many Employee Gatherings
WXYZ: Another wonderful employee gathering. If you can help identify some of our unknown folks in the photographs, please leave your comments below or use our Contact Page.
Arizona Republic – Arizona Fights for Justice
Terry Pochert (left) and his husband, Joe Connolly, sued for the right to marry in Arizona. (Photo: Pat Shannahan/The Republic)
Dew, John
WTCM: 2001 – General Manager, Talk – Traverse City, Michigan WXYZ: AM, Circa 1958-1966
Here’s how WXYZ-TV uses film to keep on top of the news and the rating.
WXYZ: Here’s how WXYZ-TV uses film to keep on top of the news and the rating. In the Detroit market WXYZ-TV’s early and late news shows are number one. A lot of credit goes to film teams headed by Joe Doneth of the News Film Department. – Broadcast Management/Engineer – June, 1976, Page 53 (PDF)…
Atkinson Hudson, Dianne
WXYZ: Associate Producer for Kelly and Company. WDIV: Coordinating Producer. Broadcasting – August 25, 1980
Exhibit 19
House Judiciary Committee References: Exhibit 19 (PDF) – SB 1038 Arizona House Judiciary Committee Floor Debate Transcript 960410
The Company Spot
A great night out that’s reasonably priced that leaves you laughing for the rest of the night. References: The Company Spot
The Facts: Transgender Personnel in the Military
Assessing the Implications of Allowing Transgender Personnel to Serve Openly by Agnes Gereben Schaefer, Radha Iyengar, Srikanth Kadiyala, Jennifer Kavanagh, Charles C. Engel, Kayla M. Williams, Amii Kress References: Rand Corporation
DeLoach, Milton
WXYZ: We are looking for bio and background information Milton. If you have anything to share, please leave your comments below or use our Contact Page.
Davis, Johnny – ‘Scat’
WXYZ: Born: May 11, 1910, Died: November 28, 1983. 1951/52 – Musician for various early TV shows including Jazz Nocturne, Coffee and Cakes and Starlit Stairway. Listen to his recording on Detroit Television by Tim Kiska, Ed Golick – Google Books References: Wikipedia
“45” Violates Constitution Again Regarding Military Transgender Issues
ACLU Sues “45” The American Civil Liberties Union tweeted Monday that it is suing President Donald Trump over his ban of transgender people serving in the military. BREAKING: We’re taking @realDonaldTrump to court to challenge the unconstitutional transgender military ban. — ACLU National (@ACLU) August 28, 2017 Lambda Legal Sues “45” BREAKING: We just…
WXYZ Main Video Tape Control Room Crew
WXYZ: During the 1980s and 1990s the video tape area was always very active. Almost all the commercials and local programs were on video tape. The area was always a buzz with activity. Mark Samaro, Larry Goldsby, Bill Dykman, Veronica Kenny
Dean, Tom
WXYZ: AM talk radio host. Circa, 1978. WTCM: Traverse City, Michigan References:
WXYZ Sponsors Railroad Day
WXYZ sponsors Railroad Days Employees and former employees helped make this happen. Larry Goldsby, Tom Polk and Mike Campbell
Kelly & Company Wins Emmy
Lisa Fisco, Carnell Sessoms-Jones, Lori Weiss, ????? Kelly & Company Emmy Award behind the giant lectern
David, Robert – ‘Rob’
WXYZ: AM Sales. WMXD: Sales References: Posting from the Michigan Association of Broadcasters
Dannon, Tony
WXYZ: House musician with WXYZ-TV, performing on a few locally produced shows, including the late night Soupy Sales variety show. Tony Dannon is a jazz legend in USA. He has played with the best, taught thousands of students over the years, and released jazz books & recordings. Here in Detroit…
Jacobs, Fred
WXYZ / WRIF: FM programming. Program director. References: Recent Sightings: Jacobs Media
Sessoms-Jones, Carnell
WXYZ: Kelly & Company Producer, researcher, scriptwriter. References: Facebook
Michigan Basketball, a Wrangle Unfolds As a Locker Videotape Unwinds
Joe LaPointe, in the New York Times, writes, “This strange tale of a tape involves a passionate locker-room speech, finger-pointing by several television broadcasters, many misunderstandings and a motivational tactic that might backfire and motivate the wrong team. It started last Saturday afternoon in Lexington, Ky., after Michigan beat Virginia in the Southeast Regional final.…
One of the Sports Editing Teams
Sports has always been a fun part of broadcast news. Among many others, the following photo from the Chris Huebner retirement collection is a group that always worked well together. John Cwikla, Angela Tangalos, Chris Huebner and Stu Klitenic
Cwikla, John
WXYZ: Sports producer, Executive Producer Broadcasting – January 18, 1988 Tweets by JohnCwikla References: Facebook Twitter
Davis, Charles ‘Chuck’
WXYZ: If you have information about Chuck Davis, please post your comments below or use our Contact Page. Chuck is no longer with us, but worked at WXYZ during the 1950-60s.
Arizona Missed Out on the Solar Eclipse of August 21, 2017, BUT…
… if you were alive on June 16, 806, you would have seen this amazing solar event. Thinking back to that time in Arizona, I wonder exactly what the inhabitant’s of this future state thought.
Sebastian Gorka Remains Despite Recent Firings
Amid the chatter of anti-Semitism and the white supremacist problems within the Trump administration, Sebastian Gorka remains on the tax payer’s payroll. In a letter to the President on May 2, 2017, members of Congress ask for the immediate dismissal of Trump’s senior White House counterterrorism advisor. The letter begins: As Members of the U.S.…
Ross Reck: A Flight Attendant Shows Us Things Are Not as Bad as We Think They Are
Kind Acts My daughter’s friend made the following post on Facebook. The message is so good and so timely, I felt compelled to share it with you. “When I became a flight attendant for Southwest Airlines, I thought I’d be dealing with nothing but jerks, unruly passengers and so forth, but I soon came to…
Roll Over on One of Arizona’s Most Dangerous Road – AZ347
Another Slow Down for Morning Commuters Another roll over on Arizona 347 connecting the Phoenix metropolitan area with the City of Maricopa. The accident occurred shortly before 7am on Monday, August 21, 2017, and primarily affected the southbound lanes. Northbound lanes almost cam to a standstill while the “rubber-neckers” took a look at the accident.…
The Operations Crew
WXYZ: The heartbeat of the Station. The crew that kept everything running. Sylvia Struthers, Muriel “Pat’ Latimer, Lori Garbin (nee Kirby), Vivian Hoze, Anita Shiplett, Ken Smith
Another Amazing Team – Anita, Mark, Eddie and Karen
Of the thousands of employees that have passed through WXYZ-TV, Southfield, Michigan, long lasting friendships were made. Anita Shiplett, Eddie Dorfman, Mark Noble and Karen Nicholson – Photo courtesy of Vivian Hoze
WXYZ Reunion 2013 – Megan Saunders, Larry Paulus, Barry Cutler
Megan Saunders, Larry Paulus, Barry Cutler – 2013 Reunion Collection from Vivian Hoze Megan Saunders, Larry Paulus, Barry Cutler – 2013 Reunion Collection from Vivian Hoze
Crozier, Robert – ‘Bob’
WXYZ: TV engineering. Video tape supervisor. Died: February 6, 2021, at age 95.
New Assignments at KSDK
Don Dare, Phyllis Armstrong, Aaron Mermelstein, Paul Machesky Broadcasting – February 18, 1980
It’s the People Who Made WXYZ Great!
Andrea Parquet-Taylor, Mark Noble, Terry Owens – Photo from Terry Pochert’s retirement collection
Owens, Terry
WMAR: Anchor KPIX: Reporter WXYZ: TV news writer. WGPR: News Intern Terry Owens – Permission and photo by Rod Coffee References: Facebook
Ciaverilla, Annmarie
WXYZ: Senior Designer and Art Director – September 1989 through August 2001. References: Recent Sighting: xpedx, a Veritiv Company Facebook LinkedIn
The Three Mustaches at WXYZ
Lee Volchoff, Bruce Hamilton, Nick Wetherby – Photo from Terry Pochert’s retirement collection
USCCR: United States Commission on Civil Rights on LGBTQ Equality
Their Mission The Civil Rights Act of 1957 created the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Since then, Congress has reauthorized or extended the legislation creating the Commission several times; the last reauthorization was in 1994 by the Civil Rights Commission Amendments Act of 1994. Established as an independent, bipartisan, fact-finding federal agency, our mission is…
Ross Reck: Doing the Right Thing
The Right Thing Doing the right thing makes you look good and it energizes those around. Often we are faced with situations where we ask ourselves, “Should I do the right thing or take the easy way out?” I was on a Hertz Rental Car bus not long ago at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport. …
Ross Reck: One Of Life’s Most Difficult Lessons
Micromanaging One of life’s most difficult lessons is to come to grips with the fact that the tools that have taken you to where you are, are not the tools that are going to take you to the next level. For example, micromanaging, where you are constantly looking over other people’s shoulders, may work well…