Author: Terry Pochert
McGill, Charles – ‘Snuffy’
WXYZ: TV film cameraman. Obituary Information: Born, April 1, 1916 (Charles William Jr.) and passed on November 13, 2008. Public obituary, “Age 92, of Marysville, Michigan, died Thursday, November 13, 2008 at his daughter’s residence in Linden, Michigan. Charles was born April 1, 1916 in Lansing, the son of Charles W. and Iva (Harris) McGill, Sr.…
Eisen, Jeremy
WXYZ: TV news producer and weather team WWL: Meterorologist Jeremy Eisen Joins WXYZ-TV/Channel 7 Weather Team SOUTHFIELD, Mich., Sept. 24, 2007 /PRNewswire/ — WXYZ-TV/Channel 7 announced today that Meteorologist Jeremy Eisen will join Action News. WXYZ-TV News Director, Andrea Parquet-Taylor made the announcement which becomes effective on Monday, September 24. Recruited from New Orleans, Louisiana…
“45” Administration Staffers used Private Email Account
Dysfunction in the White House There is another hypocrite in the White House. Opponents of the “45” Administration are openly calling, “Lock Them Up”. To make matters worse, certain White House officials are claiming that a Private Email Account on Shared Hosting is more secure than a Private Email Server as Hilary Clinton used. Using…
Basil, Darra
WXYZ: 2007- Promotions Coordinator WVMV: 2006-2007 References: LinkedIn
Encyclopedia of Television News edited by Michael D. Murray
Available from A recent Times-Mirror survey has shown that 65 percent of Americans prefer television over other news media for news coverage, an increase of 10 percent in just over a decade. To understand the enormous impact television news has had on American life, it is important to define the contributions made by various…
Ehrlich, Ava
KSDK: Senior Executive Content Producer WXYZ: News producer. Tweets by avaehrlichksdk
Eifrig, Eric
WXYZ: TV news. 1984 to 1986. References: Website – Eric W. Eifrig, Attorney at Law Remembering Challenger (PDF)
Jimmy Kimmel Exposing Dangers of Republican Healthcare Bill
Introduced by Senators Lindsey Graham and Bill Cassidy, the Graham-Cassidy bill is no better than the previous repeal bills offered by Republicans. Coverage for pre-existing conditions would be eliminated, premiums would skyrocket, and Americans would see exorbitantly high surcharges on select conditions like pregnancy, lung cancer, and asthma. It is shameful that Republicans are on…
Whataburger Accused of Discrimination Against Minorities
Workplace Discrimination? USA Today writes, “A former manager of a Florida Whataburger restaurant alleged she was retaliated against and forced to resign because she would not carry out racially discriminatory hiring practices as directed by higher-ups. Her allegations are contained in a federal lawsuit filed Friday by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) against…
Sensitive Material Not To Be Broadcast By AFTN
During the Vietnam War, support bases in Thailand were required not to broadcast certain types of information. In some case, the Thai government did not want US AM-FM-TV signals to radiate farther than the parameter of the bases. Here’s the text of one such supporting documents that is now declassified. SENSITIVE MATERIAL NOT TO BE…
“It’s Over”: Couples in Lawsuit Elated
Arizona Republic writes, “Clark Rowley had already settled behind his desk at work Friday morning when a e-mail arrived from a familiar Phoenix law office.”[1] References: Arizona Republic, October 18, 2014, Shawn McKinnon – “It’s over”: Couples in lawsuit elated – Challengers of Arizona’s statute express joy, relief (PDF Page 5A)
Outside Courthouses, a Flurry of Weddings
Arizona Republic writes, “Karen Bailey and Nelda Majors, a couple for nearly 57 years, were among the first to get a marriage license Friday in downtown Phoenix after a federal judge ruled that Arizona must allow same-sex couples to marry.” [1] References: Arizona Republic, October 18, 2014, Anne Ryman – outside courthouses, a flurry of…
A Day to Celebrate
Arizona Republic writes, “The history of the United States is one of expanding rights, and basic civil rights have been given to same-sex couples.” [1] References: Arizona Republic, October 18, 2017 – A day to celebrate (Institution of marriage stronger now – Horne won’t appeal; same-sex couples can create lasting, legal unions) (PDF Page 1A,…
Reactions to the Legal Ruling
Arizona Republic reports, “Plaintiffs in Arizona lawsuits to overturn the gay-marriage ban celebrate; clergy is divided over court decision.” [1] References: Arizona Republic, October 18, 2014, Michael Clancy – Reactions to the legal ruling (Arizona clergy members divided over change in law) (PDF Page 1A, PDF Page 5A)
AG Horn Declines to Challenge 9th Circuit
Arizona Republic reports, “Arizona on Friday [October 17, 2014] joined the historic tide legalizing the unions of same-sex couples that has swept the nation, expanding gay rights in a direction many never thought they would see in their lifetimes.” [1] References: Arizona Republic, October 18, 2014, Alia Beard Rau – AG Horne declines to challenge…
Arizona Supreme Court Rules on Equal Parental Rights
ABC 15 reports, “The Arizona Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled that a lesbian woman who is divorcing her spouse is entitled to equal parental rights under the U.S. Constitution, even though a state law doesn’t recognize those rights.” [1] References:, September 19, 2017 – Arizona Supreme Court says gays get equal parental rights
Championship Team with the Stanley Cup
The Stanley Cup is award annually to the National Hockey League playoff winner. The trophy makes frequent public relationship trips throughout the United States to promote the sport. Here is a WXYZ team making the most of it. References: Wikipedia
Art Fettig: Remembering Greg
Synergism When I perform monthly at our local Senior Day Care Center I share the songs I’ve written that Greg Brayton and I recorded from 1997- 2001. There were 57 songs in all and it was one of the happiest, most creative experiences of my lifetime. I would take my sows ear set of lyrics…
Edwards, Chris
WXYZ / WYMD: Meteorologist. WJBK: Chief Meteorologist References: LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Tweets by edwardswxwxyz
Edlund, Rick
KPLR: Anchor WXYZ: TV news reporter and anchor. References: Show-Me Institute – Conservative news. Residences: Naples, FL
Lambda Legal versus “45’s” Injustice
Halt Request Filed Moments ago, Lambda Legal and OutServe-SLDN asked a federal court to immediately halt all steps taken to implement the Trump administration’s discriminatory plan to ban transgender individuals from serving openly in the U.S. Armed Services. They filed this motion for preliminary injunction on behalf of the nine individual transgender plaintiffs, six current…
Dye, Tim
WXYZ: TV news director. Originally from Saginaw and graduated from Central Michigan University in 1984. References: Facebook
Ross Reck: Don’t Let A 10 Second Encounter Ruin Your Day
Rage in the Car The last thing you want to do when someone cuts you off in traffic, doesn’t say thank you or doesn’t hold a door open for you, is to take it personally. Keep in mind that such behavior is not directed at you, it’s directed at the world. People who behave like…
Ross Reck: Nice Managers Get The Best Results
Being Nice! A number of years ago, a group of researchers studied 16,000 corporate executives. They found that the “high achievers” in the group tended to be every bit as concerned with people as they were with profits. The “medium achievers” were concerned only with performance numbers, while the “low achievers” were obsessed with their…
Durrschmidt, Ed – Eddie
WXYZ: Radio and TV Engineering. Eddie died last November 29, 2014. Ed and his wife last resided in Texas.
Jamie Dupuis plays The Sound of Silence
An incredible sound from an 18 String Harp Guitar. Jamie’s playing tugs at your heart and provides a brief sense of calm. Take four minutes out of your busy day to watch and listen.
Ross Reck: The Secret To True Happiness
Mr. Reik is right I came across an interesting quote made by a psychologist named Theodore Reik [2] nearly 50 years ago. It went, “In order to be happy oneself, it is necessary to make at least one other person happy.” He went on to say, “The secret to human happiness is not in self-seeking,…
Hill, Doug
WJLA: Weather WUSA: Weather WXYZ: TV news and weather. WDIV: Weather WWBT: Weather References: WJLA, May 10, 2017 – ABC7’s Chief Meteorologist Doug Hill announces plans for retirement (PDF)
Ross Reck: Life Is Short, So Lighten Up!
Maya Angelou appeared on the Oprah Winfrey show recently and said, “I’ve learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way he or she handles these three things: a rainy day, lost luggage and tangled Christmas tree lights.” Maya is right on the money. If you can negotiate events like this…
Shaykhet, Simon
WXYZ: Television Reporter/Former FBI Spokesman WJBK: WSYM: WNWO: Tweets by simonshaykhet References: WXYZ (PDF) Twitter Facebook – WXYZ Facebook
Rottell, Dennis
WXYZ: TV film and ENG editing. Died on May 25, 2013. Dennis Ira Rottell memorial service held on Sunday, June 2, 2013.
Ross Reck: Costco Cares About its Employees and it Shows
Employee Engagement One of my favorite places to shop is Costco Wholesale. The store nearest to my home opened nearly 30 years ago. What impresses me most about the place is that some of the employees who were working there the day this store opened are still there! Furthermore, they’re still smiling, greeting you with…
Duncan, Bob
NPR: Operations WXYZ: Robert Duncan, Foreign Desk Operations, NPR News Robert Duncan currently handles remote operations for National Public Radio News. He previously served as Editor for Europe & Russia for NPR News. He has also spent 25 years in television news, working for NBC, Satellite News Channel, New Jersey Public Television and WXYZ. References:…
Dungan, Troy
WFAA: TV weather. KTXD: TV weather. WXYZ: 1974, TV weather. Started his trademark bow tie WCAU: TV weather KTRK: TV weather. KWTX: 1958, TV weather. References: Wikipedia, October 18, 2006 – Troy’s autumn years mean summer departure (PDF)
Art Fettig: Storms and Sentiments
But remember, Irma has the right to change her mind. Sitting here in our peaceful home located in Hillsborough, North Carolina half way between the Blue Ridge mountains and the Atlantic Ocean watching weather reports recently as I have gone through varying degrees of interest. Although I possess some love and concern for all Americans…
Ross Reck: Failure Is Something We Should Embrace, Not Fear
Embracing Failure Few people will argue with the old adage that, “Experience is the best teacher.” Experience is all about trying something new, failing, learning from that failure and then trying again until you get it right. When you think about it, that’s how you learned how to ride a bicycle. The only problem…
Ross Reck: Advice On Giving Advice: Give It Only When It’s Asked For
I’ve Got Some Advice For You Every now and then, you’ll come across someone who is struggling while trying to solve a problem that you already know how to solve. The temptation is to offer this person advice and thus put an end to his or her struggle–after all, offering a helping hand seems like…
Turning Your Customers into Long-Term Friends: The Secret Sauce that Guarantees Repeat and Referral Sales [Kindle & Paperback Editions]
Now Available from for $15.99 There’s only one way to become an outstanding success as a salesperson. It’s called repeat and referral sales. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling cars, real estate, insurance, pharmaceuticals, financial services or farm equipment. If you don’t focus your efforts on generating repeat and referral sales, you’re going nowhere…
Supreme Court Rules on Gay Marriage – June 27, 2015
A great moment in history when the American people move one step closer to non-discrimination. References: Arizona Republic, June 27, 2015 (PDF of Front Page) – Supreme victory for gay marriage.
Friedman, Sonya
WXYZ: AM Programming. “One of the most prominent of the media healers is Dr. Sonya Friedman, a psychologist who has a one-hour talk show on the USA Cable Network and a two-hour radio program on Detroit’s WXYZ. Mrs. Friedman dispenses advice and chit-chat with a personal style, she says, that combines “Joyce Brothers, Ann Landers…
Ross Reck: Avoid Saying The Wrong Thing At The Tempting Moment
Ross Reck writes: Part of our interpersonal success is tied to saying the right thing at the right time. But an even larger part of that success is tied to our being able to avoid saying the wrong thing at the tempting moment. There are times when we so want to tell somebody off or…
Johansson, Jack
WXYZ: TV news night side executive producer. References: Johansson Family Blog Facebook Twitter
Larry Adderley, Dave Prince, John Drew [sic Dew] and Marc Avery
Gary Stevens, Larry Adderley, Dave Prince, Paul Cannon, John Drew [sic Dew] and Marc Avery, Ron Knowles, Dave Schaffer, J.J. Shannon, Eddie Gale (Billboard – April 10, 1965) Source:
Donaldson, Michelle
KOB: News Director KPHO: News Director. KRQE: News Director WXYZ: Producer, writer. References: LinkedIn Twitter Facebook KOB-TV – Albuquerque, NM KPHO-TV – Phoenix, AZ Tweets by mdonaldson
DiLaura, Michael
WXYZ: Personnel. In an article by Nick Sharkey titled “You need experience to get work”, in the Canton Observer from April 14, 1983, Mike is quoted. His quote and article as also repeated in the Westland Observer, April 18, 1983
Ross Reck: Improving Your Effectiveness In Dealing With People
Make me feel important! Mary Kay Ash, the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, said many times, “Everyone has an invisible sign hanging around his or her neck that says, ‘Make me feel important!’” What Mary Kay meant was that people have a very strong need to have their worth validated on a regular basis. She…
Ross Reck: Competition
Competition Competitive behavior–making yourself look good at the expense of those around you–is poor preparation if you expect to move up in an organization. While stealing another person’s ideas or taking credit for someone else’s accomplishments may seem to move you along more quickly at the lowest levels of an organization, it won’t take you very…
President Obama’s Wise Words to “45”
Read the full text of President Obama to “45” Dear Mr. President – Congratulations on a remarkable run. Millions have placed their hopes in you, and all of us, regardless of party, should hope for expanded prosperity and security during your tenure. This is a unique office, without a clear blueprint for success, so I…
LeGoff, Jacques – ‘Jac’
WDIV: Editorial Driector, News Anchor. WXYZ: Deceased. TV news anchor, 1975-1983. WJBK: Anchor Former WXYZ-TV anchorman Jac LeGoff dies at 87 Jac attended Northwestern University before enlisting in the Navy during WWII. He finished school at Columbia College in Chicago after the war. Jac worked in radio and television broadcasting since 1948, serving as production…
WXYZ Employee News – Beverly Carr
by Tom Waniewski, Associate Producer/Writer, News Department She’s a psychologist. She’s a public relations pro. She’s a calming voice for many angry soap opera fans whose shows are erased by a Presidential news conference. “And l have a black belt in shopping,” jokes Beverly Carr. Beverly Carr is the phone operator. Tucked into a cement…
Behind The Scene of WXYZ’s Kelly and Company
WXYZ: This newspaper article gives a glimpse of what it was like to be behind the scenes of Kelly & Company. John Kelly, Marilyn Turner, Nancy Lenzen, Dianne Atkinson Hudson, Randy Barone, Howard Makkonen, Calvin Houts, Lisa Klein, Chuck Derry, Mason Weaver Eddie Dorfman References: Canton Observer – August 23, 1979 (PDF)
Prayers for Galveston and Texas Communities
We are with you! Commissioned by the Galveston Commission for the Arts and installed in 2000, David W. Moore’s bronze sculpture is a monument to the victims and survivors of the 1900 Storm, which killed in excess of 6,000 Galvestonians. David Moore passed away at the age of 80 in 2001. He left his mark…
Deadliest Roads in the City of Maricopa, Arizona
Morning accident shuts down lanes of Maricopa Casa Grande Parkway.
Ross Reck: The Quickest Way To Earn Respect
Earning Respect Ross Reck, “Many people go through life thinking they’re entitled to be respected by those around them and then they whine when they don’t receive it. What these people fail to understand is that respect is not something you’re entitled to, it’s something that must be earned through action. And the quickest way to…