Author: Terry Pochert
Lee, Ian James
CNN: American journalist based in Egypt. Ian Lee reports for CNN from Egypt on the Russian plane crash. – October 31, 2015 References: Wikipedia New York Times, July 3, 2016, Weddings – Holly Dagres, Ian Lee (PDF) Country 10, Community News Stream, December 26, 2011 – CNN’s Ian Lee thanks Lander for its support after injury suffered…
WXYZ-TV Outtakes #39
A series of actual on-air outtakes from several of beloved anchors and reporters from Channel Seven. Included in this series is Dave Wittman, John Kelly, Al Ackerman and Jac LeGoff. Lots of historical footage from
Gomulka, Wally
WXYZ: Radio staff musician (trumpet). Club Polka during early days of television. During the early 1940s, Wally remained at the station for almost three years and then moved on to WWJ Radio and played with the Edgar Guest show. Later Wally returned to WXYZ when television was first making a break through to join with Stas Wisiach’s orchestra…
Schaefer, Jim
WXYZ: Investigative Producer Recent Sightings: The Detroit Free Press References: Facebook LinkedIn
Smith-Webster, Julie
WXYZ: 1996-1999, Production Assistant. From 2002-2004, Programming Department. References: Facebook
WXYZ Promo – Tell ’em you are from Detroit
Bill Bonds, Doris Biscoe-Bailey, Rob Kress, Diana Lewis, Steve Gargiola, John Kelly, Marilyn Turner, Jay Berry, Jerry Hodak, Rich Fisher, Dayna Eubanks Check out how the music track played in other cities: This American Life
Jerry Rimmer’s Last Day at WXYZ-TV as a Director
Jerry Rimmer, one of WXYZ-TV senior directors and respected employee, retires from WXYZ-TV. This video shows the last few moments of Jerry directing the evening newscast before his final celebration. Video shot by Dave LewAllen and posted with permission. References: YouTube – Jerry Rimmer’s Last Day at WXYZ TV, Southfield, Michigan
Johnny Ginger – Video from his personal archives.
Here’s a clip from the classic Curtain Time Theater hosted by Johnny Ginger. This is from Johnny’s personal archive. This show was aired on WXYZ CH 7 in Detroit in the late 50’s and early 60’s.
1984 Olympics – The Party Is Over, Heading Back Home
Waiting at the airport in Los Angeles heading back to work at WXYZ-TV, Detroit.
Gary Westbook and Geoff Pekarek – WXYZ Crew on Assignment in Los Angeles
WXYZ-TV crews were on assignment throughout the entire world. Here’s one crew shooting features stories during 1984 while on assignment for the 1984 Summer Olympics.
Videographers Gary Westbook and Bob Johnston
Two of the many great videographers from WXYZ-TV, Detroit.
Rosa Ybarra and Gary Westbrook – One of many after hours gatherings
The camaraderie of co-workers was always evident at work and after-hour gatherings.
Just a Few of the Legendary Videographers from WXYZ
The strength of a television news department always relies on the field crews and their videographers. Here are just a few of the legends of WXYZ-TV, Detroit, Michigan.
Journalism leaders at Wayne State say ‘yes’ to sophisticated audiences of the future
Media leaders put a positive spin on the future of journalism in a discussion of “Journalism’s Future: A View From the Top” during the recent Communication Week at Wayne State University. The panelists saw a future replete with drastic changes through technology and audience sophistication. They saw a successful future responding to strong challenges in…
Kirik, Joe
WXYZ: TV news, writer and producer. Retired on February 28, 2017, from ITC Holdings Corp. Worked for four years at WXYZ, then with both agency and corporate public relations companies. References: Facebook Recent Sightings: ITC Holdings Corp.
Boulton-Brown, Linda
WXYZ: TV sales account exeuctive from 1976 – 2011. Retired after 35 years. WKBD: Account Executive. References Facebook WXYZ – June 30, 2011 – “Pioneering account executive retires after 35 years.” (JPG)
Gentile, Larry
WXYZ: AM radio starting in the “new” FM, FM Operations. Gross Point News – August 25, 1955 [1] References: The Gross Point Public Library
Maddox, Malcom
WXYZ: News anchor, videographer, multimedia producer. WKEF: WIAT: WGBA: KUSI: WPXI: The Detroit News: WXYZ-TV (Channel 7) news anchor Malcom Maddox returned to the airwaves Friday after a 16-day leave ordered by the station following sexual harassment charges leveled against him by a Detroit pastor. Mike Murri, GM of WXYZ, addressed Friday the sexual harassment…
Myers, Seth P.
WXYZ: Web Designer, Director of New Media. 1998 – References: Recent Sightings: Standard Wonder Group Facebook LinkedIn
Halas, Brian
WXYZ: Director of commercial production. References: Recent Sightings: Standard Wonder Group LinkedIn
Geha, Suzanne
WOOD: TV news reporter/anchor. WXYZ: TV news reporter. References: Facebook Leaving WOOD-TV WOOD-TV
Dunn, Matt
WXYZ: Local sales manager. WDFN: Account Executive References: Recent Sightings: Standard Wonder Group LinkedIn
DiPonio, Dave
WXYZ: Account executive. [2010-2016] References: LinkedIn Recent Sightings: Standard Wonder Group
Donahue, Phil
MSNBC: NBC: Today Show contributor WLWT (now WDTN): The Phil Donahue Show WHIO: Morning Anchor CBS Evening News: Stringer, reporter WABJ: Radio KYW: Radio References: Wikepedia – Phil Donahue
Vogel, Hally
WXYZ: TV News Meteorologist WZZM: TV References: Twitter
WBKB – Alpena, MI
These call letters were originally assigned to Channel 4 in Chicago (1946-1953) then transferred to Channel 7 in Chicago (1953-1968) until it was renamed WLS. References: Wikipedia – WBKB
Harris, Rodney
WXYZ: News producer. WLNS: References: Instagram Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Tweets by RodneyHarris
Russell, Kim
WXYZ: TV news anchor. WJBK: WEYI: References: LinkedIn Twitter Tweets by kimrussell7
Willets-Klinger, Sarah
WTAE: Executive Producer. WXYZ: TV Producer and Assignment Editor. Left WXYZ, Winter 2015, heading off the Pittsburgh. WXMI: References: Twitter Facebook Tweets by SarahWillets
WXYZ “Makes” News
TV Crew Gets News First Hand Todd Seibt writes, A Detroit-area television crew made news in Flint Thursday night when their equipment truck was stolen 10 minutes before they went live for an 11 p.m. newscast. Reporter Dave Gilbert and cameraman-engineer Kevin Hawley were discussing final shots for a satellite broadcast to their station. Channel…
Bowersock, Michael G.
Reporter. 1959-2016 Joined the NBC4 (Columbus, Ohio) staff as an investigative/special projects reporter in August 2004. He also co-anchors the Sunday editions of NBC4 at 6 p.m. and 11 p.m. Mike returns to WCMH-TV after working at the station from 1989 to 1994. He came back to Columbus after spending the past two years as…
Peterson, Terry D.
WXYZ: Creative services, 1984-1987. Biographic Information References: Twitter Linkedin Facebook Sightings: Verite Productions Tweets by TerryDPeterson