Art Fettig’s Newsletter – Don’t Wait Too Long

Art Fettig’s Monday Morning Memo

March 23, 2009
800-441-7676 or 919-732-6994

In This Issue

o Don’t Wait Too Long
o Say Something Good
o Visit Our Website
o Points To Ponder
o A Little Humor
o Quote of the Week
o To Subscrib

Don’t Wait Too Long

I wrote a song with the above title and as I was listening to it I had the thought today, “Just what is too long?” Is there a certain time in your life when you should give up on a dream and let it go? What if that dream comes back again and again throughout your lifetime?  Should you pay any attention to it?  What I am learning as I get older is that the real joys in life come in the journey. Reaching your destination is always a sort of a letdown. When you get somewhere in your life you have to start going somewhere else right away or else you get bogged down. My wife Jean was talking with a friend who was about to celebrate his ninetieth birthday and she suggested that they have a party. He just sort of shrugged it off and said, “Let’s wait.  The ninety-fifth will be the big one.”  I keep working on new stuff all the time…A new book on Hillsborough. A novel I hope that I am about to complete. I started on a new song today.  I’m working on a new speech…Also talking with a guy about singing some of my songs.  Somebody said, “Happiness is having something pending.” I just hope I can keep a lot of coals in the fire for a long, long time to come.

Say Something Good

The competitive spirit. Watching all of this basketball I have had my heart jump up into my throat a number of times and it happens when I watch the absolutely fantastic competitive spirit of some of these teams and of some of these individual players. Knock them down and bloody their noses and most of them get up smiling and all the more determined to win.  This powerful competitive spirit is what made America great and we need more and more of it today in this tremendously competitive world. It is time for every American to get in there and find a way as an individual to contribute to the greatness of America.  May God bless this nation and keep our troops from harm.

Is there a certain time in your life when you should give up on a dream and let it go?

Visit Our Website

Check out our website at  Learn about our sensational new 101 Kit that allows you to save thousands on speaker and travel fees and implement our fantastic employee positive interaction 101 program yourself.  It is an instant behavior modification commitment program that gets everyone in your organization involved in safety. Remember, you have a ten day money back guarantee too.  Act now.  Go directly to And get your safety program cranked up to a whole new level of performance. If you have questions just call me at 800 441 7676 or e-mail me at

Points To Ponder

Admonish your friends privately, but praise them openly. Publilius Syrus

A Little Humor

You know you are in trouble when you go to the airline baggage office to complain about a lost bag and the attendant is wearing your clothing.

Quote of the Week

The future is an unknown, but a somewhat predictable unknown. To look to the future we must first look back upon the past. That is where the seeds of the future were planted. I never think of the future. It comes soon enough. Albert Einstein

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