A major artery into and from the City of Maricopa to the metro Phoenix area is one of the most dangerous roads in the State of Arizona.
Speeders: It’s not unusual to see people going over and estimated 100 miles per hour weaving in/out of traffic. Very little traffic control because of lack of enforcement personnel.
Southbound at Riggs: Trucks and cars use right should to make right turns driving down the right should for at least a mile.
Northbound at Cement Plant: Trucks don’t stop when making a right turn (north) on AZ 347 even when they have a red light. Although, there is an acceleration lane, cars slam on their brakes thinking they are turning in front of them. Trucks should always make a stop before making a right turn on red.
Riggs Light Remaining Red: Even with no cross traffic, Riggs stays Green for as long as 43 seconds without traffic backing up cars going north and/or south bound on 347.

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