Monday Morning Memo – April 6, 2009

Art Fettig’s Monday Morning Memo

April 6 , 2009
800-441-7676 or 919-732-6994

In This Issue

o Dim Down the Light
o Say Something Good
o Visit Our Website
o Points To Ponder
o A Little Humor
o Quote of the Week
o To Subscribe

Art Fettig - Television
I guess our lives will never bet the same.

Dim Down the Light

Well, I suppose that you have all now heard by now that Guiding Light the CBS soap opera that’s been in existence for 72 years — since 1937 on the radio and 1952 on the television — will air its final episode post-Summer. The Associated Press cites declining daytime ratings and budget as the reason for the show’s demise. If you think you feel bad about what is happening think about the poor ladies and probably gentlemen too who have been following this show for the past 72 years.

I guess our lives will never be the same.  First it was losing all that money in the stock market and so many people’s retirement plans going up in smoke. Then people’s jobs started falling off like dead flies and now this. It is interesting how different things have a different importance to different people. That difference can be summed up as it depends on whose ox is getting gored.

What will it be next?  Perhaps Sixty Minutes will be canceled and replaced by a weekly fireside chat from our President. He seems to be saying something to somebody on TV every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

Life just isn’t the same these days, but then it never was, was it?

I think I have the real reason for the canceling of the soap Guiding Light.  People used to watch soap operas because the problems the characters faced on the soaps were always much more severe than their own little problems.  It used to bring people some joy to see that some other poor soul had it worse then they had it.  In comparison our own lives seemed better.  Well now, with all of the bad stuff that is floating around that is not so often the case.  We now have it worse than those soap characters and so who needs them?  So turn down the guiding light, we’ll somehow make it on our own.

Say Something Good

Springtime in Hillsborough.  I am certain that you have your own  favorite place to celebrate a warm spring day.  When the trees are blossoming it can be a truly awesome sight. We’ve had a few flowers bloom here already and the taste of spring is in the air. I always think of spring as the time for a new beginning.  It is a good time to wash out the garage and take an inventory on how your life is going. We have had a tough winter here in America with some real financial challenges and although they are far from solved, perhaps we are heading in the right direction.  I’m endeavoring to freshen up my outlook and my attitude.  Let us give thanks for being here in America and let us pray that God will keep our troops from harm and bring them home soon to a healthier America.

Visit Our Website

I’ve been thriving since 1972 using my creativity and my speaking skills. I learned to use my creative imagination and then to implement my unique ideas creating my own corporation.  My book new E-book titled Beyond Duh-Creativity in Action  is now available at our website It might be just what you need to get started in a new era of your working life.

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Points To Ponder

Writers by nature, and artists in general, cannot be people pleasers.  It’s not our job to please.  It’s our job to tell the truth. Judy Reeves

A Little Humor

Humiliated, the American Corporation laid off the rower for poor  performance and gave the top executives  a humungus bonus for discovering the problem.

Quote of the Week

Few men during their lifetime comes anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling within them. There are deep wells of strength that are never used. Richard E. Byrd

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